AF Form 1206 Nomination for Award

AF Form 1206 Nomination for Award

What Is AF Form 1206?

AF Form 1206, Nomination for Award , is used to nominate civilians or airmen for awards. It records justification for quarterly and annual awards at all levels of organization. These awards increase the general visibility of U.S. Air Force (AF) personnel, including Reserve and Air National Guard, and their achievements.

The latest version of the form was released on August 2, 2017 , with all previous editions obsolete. An up-to-date fillable AF Form 910 is available for download below or can be found through the Air Force e-Publishing website. Additional information and filing guidelines can be found in Air Force Instruction (AFI) 36-2870, Nuclear Operations Awards Program.

An AF award is a recognition given to the AF units or members for certain services or acts, or accolades, citations, emblems, badges, streamers, and commendations. The awards are effectively used to recognize a remarkable achievement by the officers, civilians, airmen, and NCOs, and to reward them for a substantial achievement and initiative. Additionally, they foster public support and morale of the Air Force via communicating the accomplishments of its service members.


How to Fill Out AF Form 1206?

Af Form 1206 instructions are as follows:

  1. The filer must indicate the award type that should be given to the nominee under "Award."

  2. The filer should specify the category of the award (if applicable), the award period (the period of time for which the award is given), and the rank and name of the nominee.

  3. Air Force awards have special instructions containing guidance on submission and format requirements for these positions. Commanders at all organizational levels strongly advertise the nomination procedures for special awards and trophies. Commanders nominate those qualified for appropriate awards and verify their achievements. Major Commands of the United States Air Force (MAJCOM), Direct Reporting Unit (DRU), or Field Operating Agencies (FOA) commanders, vice commanders, or executive directors endorse nominations for their personnel.

  4. The Duty Air Force Specialty Code and the duty title must be provided under "DAFSC."

  5. The filer should provide the nominee's telephone number, unit (or office address), and the rank, full name, and telephone number of the unit commander.

  6. The section titled "Specific Accomplishments" is the main part of the form that must contain all significant achievements of the nominee during the reported period of time. All achievements should be sorted by category. These include:

    • Job performance and leadership in primary duty;
    • Leadership qualities (social, religious, cultural activities);
    • Significant self-improvement;
    • Articulate and positive representation of the Air Force;
    • Community or base involvement;
    • Other accomplishments.

There is no limit as to the number of lines per category, but to be competitive it is necessary to address each area. In order to present the image of a well-balanced airman, the number of entries per category should be approximately equal. Specific nominee's achievements must be indicated. The awards are given to service members for a period of time clarified in the text of the form. Generally, the command rewards only those individuals that have outstanding achievements and merits in the military during the award period.

This form can be used to reward both ordinary staff and commanding officers without an exception. It may be submitted quarterly or on an annual basis - it depends on the command's set of rules. It does not require the support of any other attachments or documents. Once completed, this form should be sent to the higher command.

Are Abbreviations Acceptable in AF 1206?

This form can be difficult to analyze because of the overuse of acronyms and abbreviations. In order to avoid this, not widely known acronyms and abbreviations should not be used. AF Form 1206 will be read by people from a wide variety of career fields so they must be written with clarity, using words that are understandable to everyone.

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