AF Form 707 Officer Performance Report (LT Thru COL)

AF Form 707 Officer Performance Report (LT Thru COL)

What Is AF Form 707?

AF Form 707, Officer Performance Report (LT Thru COL) , is used to document potential and performance as well as provide information for making a promotion recommendation, selection, or propriety action; selective continuation; involuntary separation; selective early retirement; assignment; school nomination and selection; and other management decisions. The evaluation system focuses on performance. How well the individual does their job and the qualities they bring to the job are of paramount importance to the Air Force.

Alternate Name:

  • Air Force OPR Form.

The latest version of the form was released by the U.S. Air Force (AF) on July 31, 2015 . A fillable AF Form 707 is available for download below. Additional information and filing guidelines can be found in AFI 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems. The manual provides guidance and procedures for implementing the AF Evaluation Systems policy for the Officer Evaluation System (OES) and Enlisted Evaluation System (EES).


AF Form 707 Instructions

The purpose of the Air Force OPR Form is the following:

  1. Establishing performance expectations and standards for ratees.
  2. Compiling constructive feedback on how well the ratee is conforming to those expectations and providing directions on how to meet those established standards in the best way possible.
  3. Maintaining a long-term reliable record of performance and promotion potential on the basis of that performance.
  4. Providing Senior Non-Commissioned Officer (SNCO) evaluation boards, Weighted Airman Promotion System, Officer Central Selection Boards, and other personnel managers with accurate information to aid in choosing the officers and enlisted personnel best qualified for promotion, and assisting them in making other personnel management decisions.

Here's how to fill out AF Form 707:

  1. "Ratee Identification Data" requires the officer's full name, SSN, rank, Air Force specialty code, the reason for the report, personnel accounting symbol code, organization, command, location, component, period of the report, and the number of days supervised and rated.
  2. "Job Description" requires the duty title and the senior rater identification.
  3. "Performance Factors" requires a list of professional qualities, leadership, and organizational skills.
  4. "Rater Overall Assessment" requires the date of the last performance feedback, name, grade, organization, command and location, duty title, date, SSN, and signature.
  5. "Additional Rater Overall Assessment" requires the additional rater's name, grade, organization, command and location, duty title, date, SSN, and signature.
  6. "Reviewer" requires the name, grade, organization, command and location, duty title, date, SSN, and signature of the reviewer.
  7. The applicable review must be indicated in "Functional Examiner/Air Force Advisor" by marking the appropriate box, name, grade, organization, command and location, duty title, date, SSN, and signature.
  8. "Performance Factors is filled in if Section 3 is marked "does not meet standards."
  9. "Referral Report" is completed only if the report contains the referral comments or the overall standards block is marked "does not meet standards."

Check out these related Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) Forms:

Download AF Form 707 Officer Performance Report (LT Thru COL)

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