AF Form 1800 Operator's Inspection Guide and Trouble Report

AF Form 1800 Operator's Inspection Guide and Trouble Report

What Is AF Form 1800?

AF Form 1800, Operator's Inspection Guide and Trouble Report , is a document used by Ground Transportation Support Operators to conduct pre- and post-operation inspections on vehicles, take corrective actions or notify the Ground Transportation Operations Center when appropriate. The form is used with all registered vehicles and vehicular equipment except refueling vehicles and fuel support equipment.

Alternate Name:

  • AF 1800 Vehicle Inspection Form.

The latest version of the form was released by the U.S. Air Force (AF) on April 1, 2010 , with all previous editions obsolete. An up-to-date printable AF Form 1800 is available for download below or can be found through the Air Force e-Publishing website. Additional information and filing guidelines can be found in AFI 24-301, Vehicle Operations.

Unit Vehicle Training and Vehicle Control Officials train and license the minimum number of AF (military and civilian) employees to operate, inspect and care for the Air Force vehicles to complete the mission. The operators record any discrepancies found during the inspections which require maintenance in the "Vehicle/Equipment Discrepancy and Maintenance Report" section of the appropriate Operator's Inspection Guide and Trouble Report Form and report them to Vehicle Management. When an operator reports discrepancies in any of the safety-type systems or devices, that could adversely affect the safety of personnel or the operation of equipment, that maintenance is not delayed and the vehicle or vehicular equipment item will not be continued in service.


AF Form 1800 Instructions

Completing the AF 1800 Vehicle Inspection Form starts with the information grid where the operator writes down their name and phone number along with the current date, vehicle type, registration number, organization, base location, and phone number. The operator then fills in the "shift/signature" box that signifies the accomplishment of checks - the operator's legible signature consisting of the first initial and the last name (opposite the appropriate day of the month) shows the completion of the inspection or service for each item.

The operator who performs the first inspection of the new month closes out the previous month's form by carrying forward the required entries according to the following paragraphs. The new form must be kept with the vehicle while it is in use. The operator's monthly requirement covers the beginning of month operating miles/hours (date, miles, hours, operator's name, signature, and date) and the tire pressure check - the manufacturer's manual or vehicle must be checked for the applicable pressure (front PSI, rear PSI, operator's name, signature, and date).

The "Vehicle/Equipment Discrepancy and Maintenance Report" is used by operators and vehicle management personnel for documenting vehicle discrepancy and reporting actions, and the disposition (maintenance action/status) of discrepancies listed. However, Vehicle Management may also use this section to record the completion of scheduled inspections and/or discrepancies found during service/repairs. It has to include the item number, discrepancy, date of discovery, date/time, miles/hours, maintenance report status ("corrected" - temporarily or permanently, "delayed" - for the parts or for the maintenance, "disposition" - the waiver for repair or no repairs required).

A general listing of items to be checked during the operator's inspection is enumerated on the forms. That includes cleanliness/damage/the missing items, leaks/fluid levels, safety devices, batteries, drive belts, exhaust system, tires/the wheels, tracks, brakes, windshield, power take-off, air tanks, emergency standby system, firefighting specialized equipment/safety devices, etc. The numbered rows that are labeled "other" can be used for locally added items. This is especially useful when adapting one of the forms to a particular equipment item.

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