VA Form 21-674C Request for Approval of School Attendance

VA Form 21-674C Request for Approval of School Attendance

What Is VA Form 21-674C?

VA Form 21-674C, Request for Approval of School Attendance , is a document used by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for submitting a request for education-related compensations or benefits connected with attending a specific school or training. The individuals eligible to receive benefit payments are children of veterans between the ages of 18 and 23 who are attending school.

The latest version of the form was released on February 1, 2012 , and supersedes the currently obsolete September 2008 edition. A fillable VA Form 21-674C is available for download below or can be found on the GSA Regulatory Information Service Center website.

VA 21-674C requires entering the same information as the related VA Form 21-674, Request for Approval of School Attendance, but there are certain differences between the two forms. The 21-674C has to be printed, completed, and mailed manually, while the VA 21-674 is for electronic filing only. Another related form is VA Form 21-674B, School Attendance Report, a document used for confirming school attendance of a veteran's child who receives VA compensation or pension benefits , and for reporting any changes in the status of the student including marriage, termination of school attendance, change of courses, etc.


VA Form 21-674C Instructions

The person eligible to complete the document is the parent, guardian, or custodian of the veteran's child. The applicant is allowed to fill out the form only after reaching the age of majority determined by State laws. VA Form 21-674C instructions are as follows:

  1. Item 1 is reserved for the address of the VA office the form should be submitted to. If no address is indicated, the document should be sent to the office closest to the applicant's place of residence.
  2. Items 2A and 2B are for the full name and email address of the veteran. The VA file number will be indicated in Item 3.
  3. Items 4 through 6 require entering personal information about the student. This includes their full name, Social Security Number (SSN), date of birth, marital status, and address.
  4. Any tuition or allowances paid by the VA DEA, the Federal Employee's Compensation Act, or any other government agency or program to the student must be identified in Item 7A. Payment details have to be described in Item 7B and Item 7C.
  5. Items 8 through 10 should contain detailed information about the school or the courses for which approval is requested.
  6. If the student was attending any school at the end of the last school term, that should be reflected and described in Item 11.
  7. Part II is necessary if the student claims or receives a disability pension or death pension. Otherwise, it should be skipped. Each line in Part II should be filled in - if the student does not receive income from the specified source enter "0" or "None." Gross amounts are calculated as they are prior to the deduction of insurance costs, taxes, and other expenses.
  8. Part III contains certification and agreement that should be carefully read and then signed by the claimant. This Part also requires entering daytime and evening phone numbers and describing the claimant's relationship to the student.

The form should be completed in duplicate. The VA file copy is submitted to the VA Office and the claimant's copy is kept by the applicant with other personal paperwork.

Download VA Form 21-674C Request for Approval of School Attendance

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