VA Form 22-1999 VA Enrollment Certification

VA Form 22-1999 VA Enrollment Certification

What Is VA Form 22-1999?

VA Form 22-1999, Enrollment Certification is a document issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in order to determine the student's eligibility for education benefits, as well as the proper amount.

The latest version of the form was released by the VA on March 1, 2009 . An up-to-date fillable version of the VA Form 22-1999 - also known as the GI Bill Form 22-1999 - is available for digital filing and download below or can be found on the VA official website. The completing of the document is voluntary. However, if the requested information is not provided, the VA will not be able to pay the student any education benefits. All the responses are confidential.

VA Form 22-1999c, Certificate of Affirmation of Enrollment Agreement - Correspondence Course, is a related form used to pay education benefits for the correspondence training.


VA Form 22-1999 Instructions

The instructions for filling out the document are provided on its first page. They should be read carefully before completing the paper, detached, and kept for further references. It is not required to fill out the document unless it contains a valid OMB control number.

In addition to instructions, the document includes two sides that are considered as the separate Enrollment Certifications. Side A of VA Form 22-1999 should be used for Institutions of Higher Learning or schools providing non-college degree training. Side B is designed for flight, correspondence, and apprenticeship or on-the-job training programs. Only one of these sides must be completed.

When completing the Side B, it is necessary to pull out and reverse the copy-paper first. Before starting to fill out the paper, it is required to ensure that Copy 1 is on top.

How to Fill Out VA Form 22-1999?

The document is easy to complete, as most of its fields are self-explanatory. It takes about 10 minutes to look through the instructions, find the data, and fill out the paper. The completion instructions are as follows:

  1. Items 1 through 4 on both sides of the document require the student's information. It is obligatory to provide the correct and up-to-date address, as checks and other correspondence from the VA will be sent to it. The File number may concur with student's Social Security number (SSN). If not, the student's SSN should be indicated in Item 4.
  2. Items 5 through 6 of both sides are self-explanatory and refer to the type of training, name of the program that was approved by the VA, matriculation, and parent school letter.
  3. If the student is a Yellow Ribbon Program participant, it must be indicated in Item 7 on Side A.
  4. Item 7 on Side B requires an indication of the prior credit. It is not allowed to leave this field blank when completing the Side B. If the evaluation is not completed yet, it is necessary to put "Pending". If no prior credit is granted, "0" or "None" should be entered.
  5. The Section "Enrollment Data" on the Side A Should contain the detailed information about the enrollment, including beginning and end dates, duration of courses taken, charges, and Yellow Ribbon Program contribution amount (if applicable).
  6. If the student requests the advanced payment of education benefits, Items 15A and B on the Side A should be completed.
  7. If the student requests the accelerated payments, it is required to fill out Items 16A and B on Side A. The accelerated payments may be provided to Chapter 30, 1606, and 1607 beneficiaries only.
  8. For certification of a guest student, it is necessary to indicate the name of the primary institution in Item 17, "Remarks".
  9. For the document to be valid, it should be signed by the certifying official. The student signs the Enrollment Certification only if requesting accelerated or advance payments.

Where to Mail VA Form 22-1999?

The completed Enrollment Certification should be mailed to the VA. Besides, it can be filled out and submitted electronically via VA-ONCE. For more information and assistance, it is required to contact the Education Liaison Representative. The document can be submitted 120 days before the term begins.

Download VA Form 22-1999 VA Enrollment Certification

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  • VA Form 22-1999 VA Enrollment Certification, Page 3
  • VA Form 22-1999 VA Enrollment Certification, Page 4

Video Instructions for VA Form 22-1999


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