Agreement to Participate - Hospital Tdap and Ob / Gyn Cocooning Programs - Nevada

Agreement to Participate - Hospital Tdap and Ob / Gyn Cocooning Programs - Nevada

Agreement to Participate - Hospital Tdap and Ob/Gyn Cocooning Programs is a legal document that was released by the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services - a government authority operating within Nevada.


Q: What is the Agreement to Participate?
A: The Agreement to Participate is a document that outlines the terms and conditions for hospitals to participate in the Tdap and Ob/Gyn Cocooning Programs in Nevada.

Q: What is the Tdap program?
A: The Tdap program is a vaccination program aimed at preventing pertussis (whooping cough) in newborn babies by vaccinating their parents and caregivers.

Q: What is the Ob/Gyn Cocooning program?
A: The Ob/Gyn Cocooning program is a vaccination program aimed at preventing pertussis (whooping cough) in newborn babies by vaccinating pregnant women during their third trimester.

Q: Who can participate in the programs?
A: Hospitals in Nevada can participate in the Tdap and Ob/Gyn Cocooning Programs.

Q: What are the requirements for participation?
A: The requirements for participation may include having a designated coordinator, implementing vaccination protocols, and reporting vaccination data.

Q: Are there any financial incentives for participating hospitals?
A: Yes, participating hospitals may be eligible for reimbursement for vaccine administration costs.


Form Details:

  • The latest edition currently provided by the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services.

Download Agreement to Participate - Hospital Tdap and Ob / Gyn Cocooning Programs - Nevada

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  • Agreement to Participate - Hospital Tdap and Ob/Gyn Cocooning Programs - Nevada


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  • Agreement to Participate - Hospital Tdap and Ob / Gyn Cocooning Programs - Nevada, Page 1
  • Agreement to Participate - Hospital Tdap and Ob / Gyn Cocooning Programs - Nevada, Page 2
  • Agreement to Participate - Hospital Tdap and Ob / Gyn Cocooning Programs - Nevada, Page 3
  • Agreement to Participate - Hospital Tdap and Ob / Gyn Cocooning Programs - Nevada, Page 4
  • Agreement to Participate - Hospital Tdap and Ob / Gyn Cocooning Programs - Nevada, Page 5