Form MC307 Order for Service by Publication / Posting and Notice of Action - Michigan

Form MC307 Order for Service by Publication / Posting and Notice of Action - Michigan

What Is Form MC307?

This is a legal form that was released by the Michigan Courts - a government authority operating within Michigan. As of today, no separate filing guidelines for the form are provided by the issuing department.


Q: What is MC307 Order for Service by Publication/Posting?
A: MC307 Order for Service by Publication/Posting is a legal form used in Michigan to request service of documents through publication or posting when the defendant's location is unknown.

Q: What is the purpose of MC307 Order for Service by Publication/Posting?
A: The purpose of MC307 Order for Service by Publication/Posting is to provide notice of legal action to the defendant when traditional methods of service are not possible due to the defendant's unknown whereabouts.

Q: When is MC307 Order for Service by Publication/Posting used?
A: MC307 Order for Service by Publication/Posting is used when a plaintiff needs to serve documents to a defendant, but the defendant cannot be located.

Q: How does MC307 Order for Service by Publication/Posting work?
A: MC307 Order for Service by Publication/Posting allows the plaintiff to request the court's permission to serve the defendant by publishing or posting a notice in a newspaper or another public location.

Q: Are there any specific requirements for MC307 Order for Service by Publication/Posting?
A: Yes, there are specific requirements for MC307 Order for Service by Publication/Posting, including providing detailed information about the defendant and the efforts made to locate the defendant.

Q: Do I need an attorney to fill out MC307 Order for Service by Publication/Posting?
A: While it is not required to have an attorney, it is advisable to seek legal advice when filling out MC307 Order for Service by Publication/Posting to ensure compliance with the specific requirements of the court.

Q: What happens after MC307 Order for Service by Publication/Posting is filed?
A: After MC307 Order for Service by Publication/Posting is filed, the court will review the request and, if approved, authorize the plaintiff to serve the defendant through publication or posting of the notice.

Q: What should I do if the defendant responds after service by publication/posting?
A: If the defendant responds after service by publication/posting, you should consult with an attorney to determine the appropriate legal steps to take in response.

Q: What other methods are available for serving documents to a defendant?
A: Other methods for serving documents to a defendant include personal service, certified mail, and service through a designated agent or representative.


Form Details:

  • Released on September 1, 2009;
  • The latest edition provided by the Michigan Courts;
  • Easy to use and ready to print;
  • Quick to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of Form MC307 by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Michigan Courts.

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  • Form MC307 Order for Service by Publication / Posting and Notice of Action - Michigan, Page 2