DD Form 2981 Basic Criminal History and Statement of Admission

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DD Form 2981 Basic Criminal History and Statement of Admission

What Is DD Form 2981?

DD Form 2981, Basic Criminal History and Statement of Admission is a form used for collecting criminal record data and covers a five year period at the end of which a new form must be initiated.

The latest edition of the form - sometimes confused with the DA Form 2981, Application for Determination of Moral Eligibility for Induction - was released by the Department of Defense (DoD) on October 1, 2018 . A DD Form 2981 fillable version is available for download and digital filing below or can be found through the Executive Services Directorate website.

Each Department of Defense employee, DoD contractor, family child care provider, adult family member of a family child care provider and specified volunteers of a DoD C&Y program must undergo a background check and annually self-report changes to their criminal history.


How to Fill Out DD Form 2981?

The DD Form 2981 is used to verify that the employee in question has not been arrested, charged, or convicted by Federal, State, or other Law enforcement authorities for any violation of Federal laws, Military laws, State laws, County or Municipal laws, regulations or Ordinances, nor have they been arrested, charged or held by Federal, State or Other Law Enforcement Authorities for any crime or offense involving the following:

  • Crimes involving children;
  • Sex-related crimes;
  • A drug or alcohol offense;
  • Domestic violence;
  • Violent crime or assaultive behavior, or other.

The statement itself consists of several fillable boxes and a section that provides an authorization and releases certification. DD Form 2981 instructions are as follows:

  1. Box 1 requires the applicant to provide their first, last, and middle name in full. Initials or abridgments are prohibited.
  2. Box 2 is specifically for submitting any other names used by the applicant. This includes maiden names for women.
  3. Box 3 requires specifying the birthplace of the applicant, including the city, state, and country of birth.
  4. Box 4 is for providing the date of birth in MMDDYYYY format.
  5. Box 5 is for the gender of the applicant.
  6. Applicants are required to specify the installation or DoD CY program chosen for employment or to volunteering in Box 6.
  7. Box 7 is for the date of hire. This is to be completed by CDP staff only.
  8. Box 8A requires the applicant to put an X in the appropriate box to signify if there has or hasn't been an arrest, a charge, or a conviction by Federal, State, or other Law enforcement authorities for any violation of any Federal law, Military law, State law, County or Municipal law, Regulation or Ordinance. These do not include any kind of breaches of law that happened before the age of 16. This also leaves off traffic fines of up to $300.
  9. Box 8B is filled in case the Box8A was answered positively. Box 8B is divided into 6 columns meant for providing all specifics to any arrests, charges, or convictions. An X must be placed in the appropriate box if there was arrest for a crime or offense involving any of the following: a child, a sex-related crime, drug or alcohol abuse, domestic violence, violent crime, and assaultive behavior, or other. Failure to provide information may result in an unfavorable adjudication decision. All other charges must be included in the space provided below, even if they were dismissed. Positive answers require an explanation. Block 10 can be used if additional space is needed.
  10. Box 9 requires filing on an annual basis. An X must be put in the appropriate box indicating if any new arrests or charges occurred in regard to anything mentioned in Box 8.
  11. Block 10 is left for any additional notes.

Does DD Form 2981 Need to Be Completed by Minors?

In short: no. Minors under the age of 18 can do strictly unpaid volunteer work for the Department of Defense. Unpaid volunteering is not a form of employment. It does call for its own background check done through a separate set of forms.

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