DA Form 3434 Notification of Personnel Action - Nonappropriated Funds Employee

DA Form 3434 Notification of Personnel Action - Nonappropriated Funds Employee

What Is DA Form 3434?

DA Form 3434, Notification of Personnel Action - Non-Appropriated Funds Employees, is a form used as written documentation of a personnel action that affects a Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) employee's position or pay. The latest version of the form - sometimes incorrectly referred to as DD Form 3434 - was released by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA) on June 1, 1993. An up-to-date DA Form 3434 fillable version is available for download below.

Alternate Name:

  • Federal Form DA 3434.

All actions that require filing the DA 3434 Form, except separation, will take effect on the first day of the pay period. The duration of the notification period depends on the appointment category of the employee and the action itself:

  1. In case of separation, regular full-time (RFT) and regular part-time (RPT) employees will receive written notice in a minimum 30 days in advance. For flexible (FLX) employees who have been more on the rolls for than 3 years this term is reduced to 7 days.
  2. A reduction of pay rate may be applied to NAF employees only and requires at least 30 calendar day advance written notification.
  3. If an RFT employee is changed to FLX or RPT, an RPT is converted to FLX, and an RTF or RPT employment category is changed to seasonal, the corresponding employee will receive a written notice 30 days in advance.
  4. Furlough is appropriate only for RFT & RPT employees. It is a non-duty, non-pay status. The notification period length, in this case, is equal to the length of the furlough. If furlough excess 30 days, the notification should be provided 30 days in advance.

DA Form 3434 Instructions

All filing regulations and information about DA Form 3434 can be found in the Army Regulation 215-3, Nonappropriated Funds Instrumentalities Personnel Policy.

Federal Form DA 3434 is issued in six copies. These include an employee's copy, a payroll copy, a retirement copy, a personnel folder copy, a personnel records file copy, and a supervisor's copy. The document should contain personal information, necessary for identification, like the name, citizenship, date of birth, and SSN of the employee. If the employee has any veteran's or spouse's employment preferences, they are also reflected in the paper.

Most data on DA Form 3434 is entered via standard codes (standard NOA terms). If any additional written details are required, they may be provided in Box 25. To be valid, the document should be dated and signed by a designated appointing official. The standard codes are listed below.

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