Form FL-300 Request for Order - California

Form FL-300 Request for Order - California

What Is a California Form FL-300?

Form FL-300, Request for Order (RFO) , is a legal document that is used to request a spouse or domestic partner to come to court, usually made after filing for a divorce.

Alternate Name:

  • Notice of Hearing.

This form was released by the California Judicial Council and was last revised on December 9, 2016 . A fillable FL-300 is available to download below. An official RFO must be sent to all parties involved in a requested hearing. This includes both the defendant and the plaintiff, the court clerk, and any other parties that may be related to the case notifying all of them about the scheduled date and time for the hearing.

When to Use Form FL-300?

An FL-300 is filed when you need to request a court hearing asking the Judge to make certain orders on your case. This could be an order for temporary custody/visitation, child support, spousal support, or attorney's fees. Typically, a hearing is set for more than 3 weeks from the date the form is filed.


Form FL-300 Instructions

To fill out your court documents you will need to provide the information about the court and your appointed attorney, full mailing addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail address, etc. The necessary information on RFO, the court order, and personal details for both the plaintiff and the defendant. Have your forms reviewed and make at least 2 copies of all your documents, file your forms with the court clerk and get your court date written on your Form FL-300.

Serve your papers to your spouse or domestic partner. Have someone other than yourself (and at least 18 years old) serve your spouse or domestic partner with a copy of your papers and a blank Form FL-320, Responsive Declaration to Request for Order.

Have your server (the person or persons who mailed or hand-delivered your papers to your spouse or domestic partner) fill out Form FL-330, Proof of Personal Service, or Form FL-335, Proof of Service by Mail, and give it to the court clerk.

How to Respond to an FL-300 Form?

If you have been served with an RFO or FL-300 by an attorney, you are required to show up to the hearing date listed on the first page. Respond if you want the court to know what is your position. If you do not respond, the court may make orders without taking into account your situation.

Fill out your court forms - Form FL-320, Responsive Declaration to Request for Order, and Form FL-150, Income and Expense Declaration. Make sure to review and make two copies of all documents. Serve a copy of Form FL-320, and any other papers you attached, to your spouse or partner at least nine days before the hearing. You can have your papers served by mail or in person. Even if you do not respond, go to the court hearing and bring proof of your income and expenses if you want to have any input in the court's decision.

Some of the following forms may also be necessary to supply with an RFO:

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