Form CH-730 V Order Renewing Civil Harassment Restraining Order - California (Vietnamese)

Form CH-730 V Order Renewing Civil Harassment Restraining Order - California (Vietnamese)

This is a legal form that was released by the California Superior Court - a government authority operating within California.

The document is provided in Vietnamese. As of today, no separate filing guidelines for the form are provided by the issuing department.


Q: What is Form CH-730 V?
A: Form CH-730 V is the Vietnamese version of the Order Renewing Civil Harassment Restraining Order in California.

Q: What is a Civil Harassment Restraining Order?
A: A Civil Harassment Restraining Order is a court order that helps protect people from harassment, threats, or violence.

Q: When is Form CH-730 V used?
A: Form CH-730 V is used when someone wants to renew a Civil Harassment Restraining Order in California and prefers to use the Vietnamese version of the form.

Q: Do I need to fill out Form CH-730 V on my own?
A: It is recommended to seek legal assistance or the help of a court clerk to ensure the form is filled out correctly.

Q: How long does a Civil Harassment Restraining Order last?
A: The length of a Civil Harassment Restraining Order can vary, but it is typically valid for a specific period of time, such as one or three years.

Q: What should I do if I need immediate protection?
A: If you need immediate protection, you should contact law enforcement or the local authorities and explain the situation.

Q: Can a Civil Harassment Restraining Order be extended after it expires?
A: Yes, a Civil Harassment Restraining Order can be extended by filing a request for renewal before the expiration date.

Q: What happens if someone violates a Civil Harassment Restraining Order?
A: If someone violates a Civil Harassment Restraining Order, they can be arrested and face legal consequences. It is important to report any violations to the police.


Form Details:

  • Released on January 1, 2012;
  • The latest edition provided by the California Superior Court;
  • Easy to use and ready to print;
  • Quick to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;

Download a printable version of Form CH-730 V by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the California Superior Court.

Download Form CH-730 V Order Renewing Civil Harassment Restraining Order - California (Vietnamese)

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