Instructions for Form B2640 Writ of Execution to the United States Marshal

Instructions for Form B2640 Writ of Execution to the United States Marshal

This document contains official instructions for Form B2640 , Writ of Execution to the United States Marshal - a form released and collected by the United States Bankruptcy Court. An up-to-date fillable Form B2640 is available for download through this link.


Q: What is Form B2640?
A: Form B2640 is a Writ of Execution to the United States Marshal.

Q: What is the purpose of Form B2640?
A: Form B2640 is used to request assistance from the United States Marshal in executing a judgment or order.

Q: What does a Writ of Execution do?
A: A Writ of Execution is a legal document that authorizes the United States Marshal to enforce a judgment or order.

Q: Who can use Form B2640?
A: Any party with a valid judgment or order can use Form B2640 to request assistance from the United States Marshal.

Q: How do I fill out Form B2640?
A: You need to provide information about the judgment or order, including the court name, case number, judgment amount, and the party against whom the judgment was entered.

Q: What should I do after filling out Form B2640?
A: Once you have completed Form B2640, you should file it with the appropriate court and serve a copy on the party against whom the judgment was entered.

Q: How long does it take for the United States Marshal to execute a Writ of Execution?
A: The time it takes for the United States Marshal to execute a Writ of Execution can vary depending on various factors, including the workload of the Marshal's office.

Q: Can the United States Marshal seize property to satisfy a judgment?
A: Yes, the United States Marshal has the authority to seize property in order to satisfy a judgment.

Q: What happens after the United States Marshal seizes property?
A: After seizing property, the United States Marshal will typically auction off the property and use the proceeds to satisfy the judgment.

Q: Can I request additional assistance from the United States Marshal if needed?
A: Yes, if additional assistance is needed, you can contact the United States Marshal and request further assistance.


Instruction Details:

  • This 3-page document is available for download in PDF;
  • Actual and applicable for the current year;
  • Complete, printable, and free.

Download your copy of the instructions by clicking the link below or browse hundreds of other forms in our library of forms released by the United States Bankruptcy Court.

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  • Instructions for Form B2640 Writ of Execution to the United States Marshal, Page 2


  • Instructions for Form B2640 Writ of Execution to the United States Marshal, Page 3


  • Instructions for Form B2640 Writ of Execution to the United States Marshal, Page 1
  • Instructions for Form B2640 Writ of Execution to the United States Marshal, Page 2
  • Instructions for Form B2640 Writ of Execution to the United States Marshal, Page 3