ATF Form 5320.20 Application to Transport Interstate or to Temporarily Export Certain National Firearms Act (Nfa) Firearms

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ATF Form 5320.20 Application to Transport Interstate or to Temporarily Export Certain National Firearms Act (Nfa) Firearms

What Is ATF Form 5320.20?

ATF Form 5320.20, Application to Transport Interstate or to Temporarily Export Certain National Firearms Act (NFA) Firearms - also known as the ATF E-Form 5320.20 - is a form used to request permission to transport a firearm regulated by the National Firearms Act (NFA).

The most recent version of this form was issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) on August 1, 2016 . A fillable ATF Form 5320.20 PDF version is available for download below.

Items, regulated by the NFA include the following: short-barreled rifles and short-barreled shotguns, any weapons made out of them, machineguns, silencers and mufflers and explosive devices, such as grenades or bombs. Pistols and revolvers with rifled bore are excepted from the NFA.

ATF Form 5320.20 Instructions

Step-by-step instructions on completing the application to transport firearms can be found below.


How to Fill Out ATF Form 5320.20?

  1. Item 1 and 1a. Enter the firearm owner's personal information;
  2. Item 2, Firearms to be returned to original location. Indicate, whether the firearms will be transported temporarily or permanently by checking the applicable box;
  3. Item 3, Dates firearm(s) will be away from the original location if to be returned to that location. Enter the time period the firearm will be away from the original location or the period of transit if the item will be transported permanently;
  4. Item 4, Firearm(s) to be transported. Provide information about the firearms that will be transported. For every item, enter the name of the manufacturer, type, caliber or gauge, model, length of the barrel and overall barrel and serial number. Specify, whether the item is serviceable or not;
  5. Item 5, Reason for transportation of firearms. Enter the reason the firearm will be transported;
  6. Item 6, Transporting from. Enter the address of the original location including ZIP code;
  7. Item 7, Transporting to. Enter the address of the location the firearm will be transported to including ZIP code;
  8. Item 8, Mode of transportation. Provide the method the firearm will be transported. If the firearm is transported by the common or contract carrier, provide their name and address;
  9. Item 9, State department license No. This item is applicable only if the firearm is being temporarily exported. Enter the number of state department license;
  10. Item 10, Port of exit. Complete this item only if the firearm is being temporarily exported. Enter the location the firearm will be departed from;
  11. Item 11, Port of reentry. This item is applicable only for firearms being temporarily exported. Enter the location the firearm will be returned to;
  12. Item 12 and 13. Sign and date the form;
  13. Items 14, 15 and 16. Leave blank, these items are reserved for the ATF. This part of the form will contain the ATF decision on the application with the reasoning for it and the signature of the ATF official. After the form is processed, the original will be returned to the firearm owner or the carrier.

Where to Mail ATF Form 5320.20?

A completed ATF form 5320.20 can be submitted in three different ways:

  1. The form can be submitted via facsimile to the NFA Branch at (304) 616-4501.
  2. The completed form can be scanned and emailed to
  3. The ATF Form 5320.20 mailing address is Director, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, 244 Needy Road, Martinsburg, WV 25405 (Attention: NFA Branch). If the form is mailed, two copies must be submitted.

Download ATF Form 5320.20 Application to Transport Interstate or to Temporarily Export Certain National Firearms Act (Nfa) Firearms

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  • ATF Form 5320.20 Application to Transport Interstate or to Temporarily Export Certain National Firearms Act (Nfa) Firearms


  • ATF Form 5320.20 Application to Transport Interstate or to Temporarily Export Certain National Firearms Act (Nfa) Firearms, Page 2


  • ATF Form 5320.20 Application to Transport Interstate or to Temporarily Export Certain National Firearms Act (Nfa) Firearms, Page 3


  • ATF Form 5320.20 Application to Transport Interstate or to Temporarily Export Certain National Firearms Act (Nfa) Firearms, Page 1
  • ATF Form 5320.20 Application to Transport Interstate or to Temporarily Export Certain National Firearms Act (Nfa) Firearms, Page 2
  • ATF Form 5320.20 Application to Transport Interstate or to Temporarily Export Certain National Firearms Act (Nfa) Firearms, Page 3