Form SSA-1372-BK-FC Advance Notice of Termination of Child's Benefits

Form SSA-1372-BK-FC Advance Notice of Termination of Child's Benefits

What Is Form SSA-1372?

Form SSA-1372-BK-FC, Advanced Notice of Termination of Child's Benefits (Foreign Claims) is a document the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) sends you warning you about your child's benefits terminating at the age of 18. Fill out this form if your child is a full-time student at an elementary- or secondary school or if you qualify for childhood disability benefits.

Alternate Names:

  • Form SSA-1372;
  • SSA Form 1372-BK-FC;
  • Social Security Termination of Child Benefits Form.

The form was released on January 1, 2018 , with all previous editions obsolete. A fillable Form SSA-1372-BK-FC can be downloaded below. Form SSA-1372-BK, Advanced Notice of Termination of Child's Benefits, is a related document is used to determine if a child attending a U.S. school is eligible to receive student benefits.


Form SSA-1372-BK-FC Instructions

You will receive advance notice of termination of the child's benefits ​three months before they turn 18. It means that your benefits will stop automatically at age 18. However, if you are a full-time student attending an elementary or secondary school, or if you are a disabled child, you may continue to receive the Social Security benefits. To confirm your eligibility, you need to:

  1. Complete appropriate pages of Form SSA-1372-BK-FC.
  2. Take them to your school for certification by a school official.
  3. Provide the school with the "Notice of Cessation of Full-Time School Attendance" (on pages 5 and 6 of Form SSA-1372-BK-FC).
  4. Take or mail the completed pages to an SSA office.

Moreover, if you request childhood disability benefits, you must have a full history of the disabling conditions. The history should include names and addresses of doctors, hospitals, and schools attended. If you have ever been working, attach your work history as well.

Detailed SSA-1372-BK-FC instructions, information about benefits you may be entitled to past the age of 18 and 19, and a list of your responsibilities are provided in the form. Read them carefully before completing the document. Detach pages 7 and 8 and keep them for your future references.

How to Fill Out Form SSA-1372-BK-FC?

Most fields in the form are self-explanatory. Form SSA-1372-BK-FC should be completed as follows:

  1. Provide detailed information about your current school year including all required dates.
  2. Enter the information about your last school year. If you attended the same school you attend now, type "Same."
  3. Indicate the information about your next school year. If your answer to Question 3a is "No" or "Undecided." skip to Question 4.
  4. Specify if you are disabled.
  5. Specify if you are married. Enter the marriage date if applicable.
  6. If you have worked in employment or self-employment outside the United States during the last 13 months, provide the requested employment information.
  7. If your employer pays for your school, provide the employer's name and address.
  8. Specify if you have any unsatisfied warrant over 30 days old.
  9. Sign and date the document.

Take the document to an authorized school official for certification. The school official has to review pages 2 and 3, and complete page 4 to certify the information you provided is correct according to school records. The school official has to keep pages 5 and 6, the remaining sheets should be returned to you.

Where to Send Form SSA-1372-BK-FC?

The completed SSA-1372-BK-FC Form is mailed depending on the country you attend school in. For Canada, the British Virgin Island, or Samoa, take or mail the filled-out pages to the nearest SSA office. For all the other countries, submit your form to the Federal Benefits Unit or to the following address: Social Security Administration, Division of International Operations, P.O. Box 17769, Baltimore, Maryland 21235-7769 USA.

Download Form SSA-1372-BK-FC Advance Notice of Termination of Child's Benefits

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  • Form SSA-1372-BK-FC Advance Notice of Termination of Child's Benefits


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  • Form SSA-1372-BK-FC Advance Notice of Termination of Child's Benefits, Page 6


  • Form SSA-1372-BK-FC Advance Notice of Termination of Child's Benefits, Page 7


  • Form SSA-1372-BK-FC Advance Notice of Termination of Child's Benefits, Page 8


  • Form SSA-1372-BK-FC Advance Notice of Termination of Childs Benefits, Page 1
  • Form SSA-1372-BK-FC Advance Notice of Termination of Childs Benefits, Page 2
  • Form SSA-1372-BK-FC Advance Notice of Termination of Childs Benefits, Page 3
  • Form SSA-1372-BK-FC Advance Notice of Termination of Childs Benefits, Page 4
  • Form SSA-1372-BK-FC Advance Notice of Termination of Childs Benefits, Page 5
  • Form SSA-1372-BK-FC Advance Notice of Termination of Childs Benefits, Page 6
  • Form SSA-1372-BK-FC Advance Notice of Termination of Childs Benefits, Page 7
  • Form SSA-1372-BK-FC Advance Notice of Termination of Childs Benefits, Page 8