VA Form 4107VRE Your Rights to Appeal Our Decision

VA Form 4107VRE Your Rights to Appeal Our Decision

What Is VA Form 4107VRE?

VA Form 4107VRE, Your Rights to Appeal Our Decision provides an overview of the appeal process on claims for Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) benefits. These benefits include diagnostic, social, medical, psychological, economic, independent living, assistive technology, counseling, vocational, educational, training, and employment services, which help veterans to overcome existing obstacles to access, return to, or maintain employment.

The latest version of the VA 4107VRE Form was released by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) on February 1, 2018 , with all previous editions obsolete. A printable VA Form 4107VRE fillable version is available for download or can be found through the VA website.


Your Rights to Appeal Our Decision

In accordance with the VA decision appeal form, there are several courses of action to take, if a veteran disagrees with the initial decision:

  • Submitting new evidence in order to support the claim. Any new evidence can be sent to the address mentioned in the VA decision letter. This evidence will be considered if it is new and relevant to the claim. The form 4107VRE VA recommends to describe how the new evidence should change the VA's opinion showing an obvious error helping them to come to a different decision;
  • Requesting an informal meeting with the assigned case manager to discuss the decision. It is a means to ensure that the claimant understands the decision and a chance to clarify any issues relating to the claim. If requested, a supervisor may be present during this discussion. After this meeting, the VA lets the claimant know if the new evidence changes their original decision;
  • Requesting an administrative review of the initial VA decision. A claimant is eligible to contact the assigned case manager within one year from receiving the decision letter to request an administrative review. It involves the review of the previously submitted evidence. A claimant is notified of the administrative review decision with a letter;
  • Making an appeal to the Board of Veterans' Appeals. A claimant has one year to start the appeal process. To begin the appeal, it is necessary to write a Notice of Disagreement and send it to the VA. The VA replies with a Statement of the Case and the VA Form 9, Appeal to Board of Veterans' Appeals, which in turn are to be submitted with a request for a Board hearing.

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