USCIS Form I-90 Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card

USCIS Form I-90 Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card

What Is Form I-90?

Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card , is a legal document you need to sign in order to replace or renew a green card. If you are a permanent resident with a ten-year green card and it has expired or will be expiring in the next six months, or your green card has been stolen, damaged, destroyed, or lost, you need to fill out Form I-90.

Alternate Names:

  • USCIS Form I-90;
  • Application to Replace Green Card.

This is the document for you if you need to prove your identity in a convenient way, be eligible to work in the U.S. and return to the U.S. after traveling abroad - the law also requires you to carry a green card with you at all times.

How to Get Form I-90?

This form was released by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The latest version of the form was issued on February 27, 2017 , with all previous editions obsolete. A fillable Form I-90 is available for download through the link below.


How to Fill Out Form I-90?

Follow these steps to complete the USCIS Form I-90:

  1. Provide your personal information. Enter your alien registration number, full name, mailing, and physical addresses, gender, date, and place of birth, names of your parents, class, and date of admission (visa category), and Social Security Number (SSN).
  2. Indicate your application type. Write down your resident status and select a reason for filing an application.
  3. Provide procession information. State the location where you applied for a visa, where it was issued, and your port-of-entry to the United States.
  4. Add your biographic details (ethnicity, race, height, weight, eye color, hair color).
  5. Ask for accommodations if you have any disabilities or impairments - for instance, you may request a sign-language interpreter.
  6. Confirm that all statements in the form are true and accurate to the best of your knowledge, state your contact information, sign and date the application.
  7. Provide the interpreter's personal details and certification. If you are in need of an interpreter because English is not your first language, this interpreter will be asked to complete a section on Form I-90 as well. It is necessary to state the interpreter's full name, mailing address, and phone number. Once this is done, a certification and signature are required.
  8. If an individual other than the applicant completes the document, the preparer's full name, mailing address, phone numbers, and signature must be provided.
  9. There is an extra page to write down any additional information. You may also make copies of this page to include any details you deem necessary.

When completing the form, you must write or type your answers in black ink. Make sure all the details are accurate - simple errors will cost you extra time and money.

If your green card is conditional (i.e., expires two years after being issued) and you are seeking to remove these conditions, there is a different process for replacing it with a valid ten-year green card:

  1. File Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, if your green card is marriage-based.
  2. Complete Form I-829, Petition by Entrepreneur to Remove Conditions, if your residence in the U.S. was gained by investing in American business.

Once you meet the eligibility requirements for naturalization, complete Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, to apply for U.S. citizenship.

Where to Mail Form I-90?

There are two ways to request a new green card - by mail or online. However, in certain circumstances you can file an application only by mail:

  • You had a ten-year green card before you were fourteen, and it will not expire before you are sixteen;
  • You want to apply for a fee waiver;
  • Your green card was issued, but you never got it;
  • Your green card contains mistakes made by the USCIS.

The current fee you have to pay to file I-90 Form is $455. Pay by check or money order and attach the proof of payment to the application. Send your form along with the supporting documentation and payment through the U.S. Postal Service (USCIS, P.O. Box 21262, Phoenix, Arizona 85036) or through FedEx, UPS, or DHL (USCIS, Attention: I-90, 1820 E. Skyharbor, Circle S, Floor 1, Suite 100, Phoenix, Arizona 85034).

Download USCIS Form I-90 Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card

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