CACFP Food Temperature Log Template

CACFP Food Temperature Log Template

The CACFP Food Temperature Log Template is used to document and track the temperatures of food items served in the Child and Adult CareFood Program (CACFP). This template helps ensure that the food is being stored, prepared, and served at appropriate temperatures to maintain food safety and prevent foodborne illnesses. It allows caregivers and food service staff to record the temperature of the food items regularly throughout the day and ensure compliance with food safety guidelines.

The CACFP Food Temperature Log Template is typically filed by the organization or institution participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). This could include child care centers, family child care homes, adult day care centers, or other eligible institutions. The purpose of the log is to ensure that proper food temperature controls are maintained in accordance with the program's guidelines.


Q: What is a CACFP Food Temperature Log?
A: A CACFP Food Temperature Log is a template used to record the temperature of the food served in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). It helps ensure that the food is stored, transported, and served at safe temperatures to prevent foodborne illnesses.

Q: Why is it important to monitor food temperatures in CACFP?
A: Monitoring food temperatures in CACFP is important to prevent the growth of bacteria that can cause foodborne illnesses. Proper temperature control helps ensure that the food remains safe for consumption and reduces the risk of food poisoning.

Q: What information should be included in a CACFP Food Temperature Log?
A: A CACFP Food Temperature Log should include the date, time, temperature of the food when received or prepared, temperature during storage and transportation, and temperature when served. It may also include additional details such as the name of the food item and the person responsible for monitoring the temperature.

Q: How often should I fill out a CACFP Food Temperature Log?
A: A CACFP Food Temperature Log should be filled out every time food is received, prepared, stored, transported, and served in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). It is important to document the temperatures at each stage to ensure food safety.

Q: Who is responsible for filling out the CACFP Food Temperature Log?
A: The person responsible for monitoring food temperatures, such as the cook or kitchen staff, is usually the one who fills out the CACFP Food Temperature Log. However, it is important to ensure that everyone involved in handling the food is aware of the importance of temperature monitoring and follows the proper procedures.

Q: Are there any guidelines or regulations for CACFP food temperature monitoring?
A: Yes, there are guidelines and regulations for CACFP food temperature monitoring. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), which oversees the CACFP, provides detailed guidelines on safe food handling practices, including temperature monitoring. It is important to comply with these guidelines to ensure food safety.


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