Form LIC601 Identification and Emergency Information - California

Form LIC601 Identification and Emergency Information - California

What Is LIC 601 Form?

Form LIC 601, Identification and Emergency Information , is a legal document that contains the personal details of every individual admitted to a community care facility. It is typically filled out when an individual is admitted to a facility to establish all of the necessary details about the resident and a contact person that may be reached if the resident gets involved in an emergency situation. The information stated in the form must be kept current and made available to community care facility employees. Make copies for relatives, caretakers, physicians - anyone who is periodically responsible for the child.

This form was released by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) , a component of the California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS) . The latest version of the form was issued on August 1, 2008 , with all previous editions obsolete. You can download a fillable LIC 601 Form through the link below.

Form LIC 601 (SP), Identificación e Información de Emergencia (the Spanish version of LIC 601 Form) can also be found on our website. If an individual is submitting to a child care center or family child care home, complete Form LIC 700, Identification and Emergency Information (Child Care Centers/Family Child Care Homes).


Form LIC 601 Instructions

Enter the following details on the LIC 601 Form:

  1. Personal details of the client - name, social security number, date of birth, age, sex. State the details of a responsible individual or placement agency. Also, make sure it is possible to identify the nearest relative. Indicate the date of admission. Once the individual is discharged, write down the date of discharge and reasons for leaving the facility.
  2. Person(s) responsible for financial affairs and payments. Add the full name, address, and telephone number of the individual to be contacted in various circumstances, for instance, the legal guardian.
  3. Other persons to be notified in an emergency. Provide the personal details of the physician, mental health provider, dentist, relatives, and friends who must be contacted.
  4. Emergency hospitalization plan. Name the hospital to be taken to in case of an emergency and provide information about medical and dental plans.
  5. Other required information. State the ambulatory status and religious preference.
  6. Signatures of the resident and the person who completes the form. Write down the actual date.
  7. Residential facilities for children require additional information. State the name of the child, identify the person to contact in case of an emergency, and specify their relationship. Indicate the person(s) with whom the child has been living and any person(s) not authorized to visit the child. Provide personal details of the persons authorized to remove the child from home and specify restrictions on telephone access.

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