Form MV-44 Application for Permit, Driver License or Non-driver Id Card - New York

Notification Icon This version of the form is not currently in use and is provided for reference only. Download this version of Form MV-44 for the current year.

Form MV-44 Application for Permit, Driver License or Non-driver Id Card - New York

What Is Form MV-44?

DMV Form MV-44, Application for Permit, Driver License or Non-Driver ID Card ​,​ is used to apply for a learner's permit, driver's license, or non-driver ID. It is also used to renew a person's license or non-driver ID.

Additionally, this form can also be used for people moving to the state of New York and will require a new driver's license or non-driver ID. The form is issued by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and was last revised on January 1, 2018 . A DMV MV-44 Form is available for download below.


How to Fill Out Form MV-44?

The form contains 12 sections that will need to be completed. A fee of $17.50 is also required and can be paid by credit/debit card, check, or money order made out to the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles. The MV-44 instructions are as follows:

  1. Section 1 asks what the person is applying for.
  2. Section 2 asks for the purpose of the application.
  3. Section 3 asks for Identification Information. This section also asks if the person has now or has ever had a New York driver's license, learner's permit, or non-driver's ID card.
  4. Section 4 asks for Veteran Status and allows an option for "Veteran" to be printed on the front of the photo document.
  5. Section 5 is the Voter Registration Questions and asks the person if they would like to register to vote if they are not already registered.
  6. Section 6 is the Registration with the United States Selective Service System (SSS) which is required for all male citizens and immigrants ages 18 through 25.
  7. Section 7 contains 4 questions asking about the applicant's previous driving history, whether they have had the privilege to drive suspended, revoked, or canceled in any way; if the applicant has ever received treatment for any condition that causes unconsciousness or unawareness; if the applicant needs a hearing aid and/or full view mirror to drive a motor vehicle; and if the applicant has lost the use of a leg, arm, hand, or eye.
  8. Section 8 asks for Parent/Guardian Consent and is used for a Junior License or Non-driver ID Card for applicants under the age of 16.
  9. Section 9 is the Teen Electronic Event Notification Service (TEENS) which allows a parent/guardian to receive a notification if the applicant under the age of 18 receives a conviction, suspension, revocation, or an accident on their license file as a free service.
  10. Section 10 is for Commercial Driver License Applicants Only and contains two questions: one asking if the applicant has had a driver's license issued to them from another state in the U.S. or District of Columbia and the second asks the applicant to certify to the DMV that they can operate (or expect to operate) a commercial motor vehicle in one of four driving types (non-excepted interstate, excepted interstate, non-excepted intrastate, or excepted intrastate).
  11. Section 11 asks for the applicant's certification that the information provided is accurate to the best of their knowledge and requires a signature, printed name, and date.
  12. Section 12 is for Office Use and requires the applicant to complete an eye test at the DMV and sign in front of the person giving the test.

Where to Mail Form MV-44

When completed, Form MV-44 can be mailed to the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles at 207 Genesee Street, Suite 6, Utica, NY 13501-2874.

Download Form MV-44 Application for Permit, Driver License or Non-driver Id Card - New York

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