VA Form 21-674 Request for Approval of School Attendance

Notification Icon This version of the form is not currently in use and is provided for reference only. Download this version of VA Form 21-674 for the current year.

VA Form 21-674 Request for Approval of School Attendance

What Is VA Form 21-674?

VA Form 21-674, Request For Approval of School Attendance , is a document used for claiming compensation or pension benefits for a veteran's child currently attending school. The form is submitted to request approval for attending a specific training course or participating in an educational program.

The newest edition of this form was released by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) on June 1, 2018 . The latest VA Form 21-674 fillable version is available for download and filing below or can be found on the VA website.

By signing the VA 21-674, the claimant takes full responsibility to notify the VA of any changes to the approved course, including termination of school attendance, a transfer to another school, marriage, receiving Dependents Educational Assistance (DEA), etc. Providing false or incomplete information on the form will lead to severe penalties that may include fines, imprisonment, or both.

VA Form 21-674 FAQ

Q: How often do you turn in VA Form 21-674?

It is necessary to turn in this document each time when changing school or courses. The responsible financial aid clerk at the school will help the student with filling out and faxing the paper to the corresponding office at the VA. Any changes in the student's status - like marriage or leaving school - should be reported to the VA via the School Attendance Report.

Q: Where do I send VA Form 21-674?

The original copy of the document should be submitted to the address indicated in Item 1. In case this space is blank, send it to the nearest VA regional office.

Q: How long does it take to process VA Form 21-674?

It depends on the type of the form submitted. Electronic versions are usually processed faster than paper ones. Usually, it takes about a month or two for the VA to review the request.


How to Fill Out VA Form 21-674?

This applicant filing the form can be the veteran, a surviving spouse, a guardian, or a custodian of the child. The child is allowed to complete the form only upon reaching the age of majority determined by State law. VA Form 21-674 instructions are as follows:

  1. Item 1 should contain the address of the VA office. This address usually comes pre-printed in the box. If no addresses are provided, the form should be submitted to the nearest VA regional office.
  2. Item 2 requires the name and email address of the veteran. The VA file number should be indicated in Item 3.
  3. Item 4 must contain the name and Social Security Number (SSN) of the veteran's child attending school.
  4. Item 5 is reserved for students' date of birth, their marriage status, and the date of marriage - if applicable.
  5. The student's address goes in Item 6. Item 7 is filled out only in cases when tuition is paid for by DEA, Federal Employee's Compensation, or another Federal Agency. Otherwise, Item 7 should be left blank. Social Security benefits should not be taken into account.
  6. The name and address of the school and the names of the courses taken should be provided in Item 8.
  7. Item 9 contains three fields used for indicating the official beginning date of the course, the date student starts the course, and the expected graduation date.
  8. A negative answer given in Item 10A should have a further explanation Items 10B, 10C, and 10D.
  9. Item 11 requires information about the school the student was attending at the end of the last school term. If the student was not attending school, the appropriate checkbox should be ticked in Item 11A.
  10. Part II should be completed only in case of claiming or receiving a disability or death pension. When filling out Part II, none of the items should be left blank. If the student does not receive income from a particular source, "0" or "None" should be typed in. Gross amounts must be calculated before making deductions for insurance or taxes.
  11. Part III contains certification and an agreement that must be read and signed.

Besides the space for the claimant's signature, Part III requires providing the telephone number and date and identifying the relationship of the claimant to the student. If any additional space is needed, the claimant may attach a separate sheet with the number of the item to which the answer refers. Any attachment must contain the veteran's name and VA claim number.

How to Update 21-674 on eBenefits?

Claims and requests can be submitted to the VA through the eBenefits website. This online tool can also be used to update the status of the dependents. Filing the forms online usually means that the requests are processed faster. All forms submitted through the service should be signed with an electronic signature.

As soon as the claim is received, the VA automatically sends a confirmation e-mail to the applicant. Another e-mail containing the contact information of the regional office processing the claim is sent when the claim is received.

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