AF Form 931 Airman Comprehensive Assessment (ACA) Worksheet (AB Thru TSGT)

AF Form 931 Airman Comprehensive Assessment (ACA) Worksheet (AB Thru TSGT)

What Is AF Form 931?

AF Form 931, Airman Comprehensive Assessment (ACA) Worksheet (AB Thru TSgt) , is a form used to document effectiveness and duty performance history. It is filled out on a regular basis by the airman's supervisor and monitors the airman's mission capabilities and deployment readiness. It is also used to assess the airman's welfare and development regardless of whether they are on duty, off-duty, or on leave.

Alternate Name:

  • Air Force Initial Feedback Form.

The worksheet is designed for the airman's self-assessment. The self-assessment is done according to the following areas: responsibility, accountability, air force culture, self-knowledge. Other sections - proficiency, motivation, upgrade training, duty position requirements, and training of others - are sections to be filled by the officer (the "rater").

An updated fillable AF Form 931 was released by the U.S. Air Force (AF) on July 28, 2017 , and is available for download and digital filing below or can be found through the Air Force e-Publishing website.


AF Form 931 Instructions

The performance feedback portion of the Airman Comprehensive Feedback continues to be a cornerstone of Enlisted and Officer Evaluation System (E/OES), as Performance Recommendation forms (PRFs) (for officers) are based upon the expectations and guidance given in the feedback process. The ACA also serves as a method of motivation. If given frequent and specific ACA sessions, the airman will better understand what is expected and will be motivated to perform better in order to meet and exceed expectations. The form provides formal, private, written communication between the rater and the ratee about the rater's expectations and standards and the ratee's responsibilities and performance. Face-to-face communication clarifies confusion and sets expectations.

Effective feedback is a realistic assessment of an individual's performance. The rater should discuss the ratee's skills and abilities, behavior, how they affected the mission, and what their goals are professionally and personally. Raters should be impartial and provide honest and realistic feedback, as the performance portion of the ACA will be used to support evaluations based on the observed behavior.

How to Fill Out AF Form 931?

The AF 931 is a fillable form. Try to give as specific feedback as possible, regardless of whether it is positive or negative. Specific positive comments reinforce the behavior, and specific negative comments focus the attention on where the ratee needs improvement. A lack of information, on the other hand, tends to lower the ratee's motivation to improve. Comments that are not sufficiently specific will not concentrate the ratee's attention on exactly what they need to do in order to be successful in their job.

There are minor differences in Section IV, which assesses specific performance requirements based on the ratee's grade. Make sure the form used corresponds with the ratee's grade: AF Form 724, Airman Comprehensive Assessment Worksheet (for officers), AF Form 932, Airman Comprehensive Assessment (ACA) Worksheet (Msgt Thru Cmsgt) (for SNCOs), and AF Form 931, Airman Comprehensive Assessment (ACA) Worksheet (AB Thru TSgt) (for TSgts and below).

Download AF Form 931 Airman Comprehensive Assessment (ACA) Worksheet (AB Thru TSGT)

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