DD Form 2026 Oil Analysis Request

DD Form 2026 Oil Analysis Request

What Is DD Form 2026?

DD Form 2026, Oil Analysis Request is a form used for monitoring machinery and equipment conditions by analyzing special and routine samples of oil. An Oil Analysis Request properly filed by the submitting activity plays a vital role in equipment maintenance.

The form - sometimes incorrectly referred to as the DA Form 2026 - was last released by the Department of Defense (DoD) on August 1, 2014 , with all previous editions being obsolete. An up-to-date DD Form 2026 fillable version is available for digital filing and download below or can be found through the Executive Services Directorate website.

The DD 2026 can be used for requesting a routine analysis of oil samples, reporting corrective maintenance actions, and documenting the initial entry to or removal of equipment from the oil analysis program.


How to Fill Out DD Form 2026?

Filing guidelines and requirements are not distributed along with the form. DD Form 2026 instructions are as follows.

  1. Box 1 - To Oil Analysis Lab - must contain the name of the JOAP laboratory assigned to do the oil analysis.
  2. The next six lines - From - pertain to the addresser's data.
  3. Box 2 - Major Command - specifies the title of the possessing Major Command, foreign government, or contractor.
  4. The operating activity sending the oil sample should be specified in Box 3 - Operating Activity Name and Address.
  5. If the samples are transferred to the designated laboratory via aircraft the name of the home base needs to be provided in Box 4.
  6. The source of the sample is specified in Box 8.
  7. Boxes 9 and 10 provide data about the equipment - its model, application, and component serial numbers. The next sixteen lines provide information about the sample itself.
  8. The POC signature and submitting activity sample number are provided in Boxes 27 and 28.
  9. The next section of the form - For Laboratory Use Only - describes the chemical characteristics of the sample identified during the analysis.
  10. The second page of the DD 2026 - Transient Aircraft Oil Analysis Record - features information about the laboratory performing the analysis and a table with analysis results.

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