DD Form 67 Form Processing Action Request

DD Form 67 Form Processing Action Request

What Is DD Form 67?

DD Form 67 also known as the Form Processing Action Request is a document used to request a revision, cancellation or creation of a completely new Department of Defense (DoD) form. The form is initiated by Action Officers (AO) and Component Forms Management Officers (FMO), signed by AO Approving Officials and approved by DoD FMO. A fillable up-to-date DD Form 67 can be downloaded below.

The latest version of the form was released on May 1, 2016 , and includes the option to file digitally and can be secured by an electronic signature.

When initiated, the Action Request is submitted along with a draft of the form being proposed. In case of need, additional elements - such as print specifications or a list of required data elements - can be featured in the proposal. The draft must be as close to the final form as possible since it will be put to use right away. Contact your FMO organization for assistance in compiling the draft.

This form is often incorrectly referred to as DA Form 67, which is a short name for the DA 67-9 and DA 67-10 series. These DA 67 forms are part of officer evaluation processes; the series includes several reports and supporting documentation.


DD Form 67 Instructions

  1. Fill in the date of the request, DoD Component Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) Organization and the DoD Component Forms Management Officer's Organization in Boxes 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
  2. Fill in the information about the form being revised or proposed in Boxes 5 through 11. Enter the form number, existing or proposed title, designation, and type. Box 10 should be left blank for new forms.
  3. Box 12 is for listing and describing any forms being replaced by the proposed form.
  4. Enter proposed form design considerations in Box 13. Design choices include filing choices, suggested size, printing and distribution specifications, availability and data collection.
  5. Describe the purpose and use of the new form or the changes to the existing form in Box 14.
  6. Obtain the coordination of each Department of Defense Component expected to use the form in Box 15.
  7. Box 16 is signed by Component Program Managers of each applicable program out of the six options listed.
  8. Boxes 17 through 20 are for the information and signatures of a DoD Component OPR or Action Officer, a DoD Component Approving Official, a DoD Component or Command Forms Management Officer and an Approving Forms Management Officer.
  9. If approved, the DoD FMO will complete Box 6, Edition Date and sign the DD Form 67 in Box 20.

The approved draft form will be forwarded to the Forms Designer to be finalized and added to the Department of Defense forms inventory. If the package is incomplete, it will be returned to the Military Service or DoD Component FMO.

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