DA Form 5789 Record Fire Scorecard-Known Distance Course

DA Form 5789 Record Fire Scorecard-Known Distance Course

What Is DA Form 5789?

DA Form 5789, Record Fire Scorecard - Known Distance Course , is a form used to record firing scores during Known Distance (KD) range courses - one of the two Army-authorized alternate record fire courses. Any alternate course is used only when standard record fire and known distance ranges are unavailable. A KD range has two main goals:

  • Practicing firing tight shot groups at known distances;
  • Overcoming the effects of gravity and wind while making sight adjustments at the range.

The newest version of the scorecard - sometimes confused with DD Form 5789 - was released by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA) in December 1, 2016 . An up-to-date fillable version of the form is available for digital filing and download below or can be found through the Army Publishing Directorate website.


How to File DA Form 5789?

An overview of the Army Record Fire Scorecard and filing guidelines can be found in the Training Circular 3-22.9, Rifle and Carbine. DA Form 5789 instructions are as follows:

  1. The top line of the form requires the soldier's ID code, their unit, the date of the exercise, and the ID of the scorer.
  2. Table 1 requires the results of shooting from a prone supported or foxhole supported firing position. For this test, the firer is given two 10-round magazines to engage an e-silhouette at 300 yards within 120 seconds. The table consists of four columns: the round number, the range, the number of hits and misses, and the total score.
  3. Table 2 is for recording the results of firing from a prone unsupported position. The range is 200 yards and the allowed time is 60 seconds.
  4. Table 3 is for recording the shots fired from a kneeling position. The range for this exercise is 100 yards and the available time is 60 seconds.
  5. The digital form automatically calculates the final score and the overall results of the shooter. The scorer has to specify the directions of light and wind in the box with the two blank hour-plates.

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