DA Form 4833 Commander's Report of Disciplinary or Administrative Action

DA Form 4833 Commander's Report of Disciplinary or Administrative Action

What Is DA Form 4833?

This is a military form that was released by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA) on March 1, 2014. The form, often mistakenly referred to as the DD Form 4833, is a military form used by and within the U.S. Army. As of today, no separate instructions for the form are provided by the DA.

Form Details:

  • A 7-page document available for download in PDF;
  • The latest version available from the Army Publishing Directorate;
  • Editable, free, and easy to use;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download an up-to-date fillable DA Form 4833 down below in PDF format or browse hundreds of other DA Forms stored in our online database.


How to Fill Out DA Form 4833?

Adhere to the DA Form 4833 instructions below which will help you fill out the form quickly and correctly, saving you time trying to piece together what needs to be filled in:

  • Include the unit name, unit ID number along with the date that the application is being filled in the header area of the document;
  • List the individual's details, such as full name, position, and social security number . Include any necessary further identification information;
  • The occurrence or violation that prompted the penalty or managerial action should be described . Be detailed and include as much information as you are able to, such as the incident's date, time, place, and context;
  • Describe the penal action being enforced against the individual in question . Specify the type of action taken, such as therapy, reprimanding, more work, or other suitable actions. Provide any additional information or citations to laws or regulations;
  • Indicate the names and contact details of those who were present to the incident, if available . Write a summary of what they said about the event or violation;
  • Indicate the suggested course of action or resolution for the matter at hand . Explain why the suggested course of action is suitable in light of the current situation;
  • The commander should study the findings, add any personal observations or suggestions, and state whether they agree or disagree with the suggested course of action . Date and sign the document;
  • Indicate who should get duplicates of the findings and how the form is to be distributed.

The particular requirements for completing DA Form 4833 may change depending on the unit or command standards, thus keep in mind that these are basic instructions. Any additional directions given by your unit or the issuing authority should be followed.

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  • DA Form 4833 Commander's Report of Disciplinary or Administrative Action


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  • DA Form 4833 Commanders Report of Disciplinary or Administrative Action, Page 1
  • DA Form 4833 Commanders Report of Disciplinary or Administrative Action, Page 2
  • DA Form 4833 Commanders Report of Disciplinary or Administrative Action, Page 3
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  • DA Form 4833 Commanders Report of Disciplinary or Administrative Action, Page 5
  • DA Form 4833 Commanders Report of Disciplinary or Administrative Action, Page 6
  • DA Form 4833 Commanders Report of Disciplinary or Administrative Action, Page 7