DA Form 4126 Bar to Continued Service

Notification Icon This version of the form is not currently in use and is provided for reference only. Download this version of DA Form 4126 for the current year.

DA Form 4126 Bar to Continued Service

What Is DA Form 4126?

DA Form 4126, Bar to Continued Service , is a form that is used to document reasons for a recommendation to discontinue further service in the U.S. Army. There are several types of offenses that can result in the soldier being barred from reenlistment. These include but are not limited to:

  • Being "Absent Without Official Leave" (AWOL) for one to twenty-four hour periods;
  • Losing Army-issued equipment or clothes;
  • Substandard personal hygiene, appearance (or both);
  • An apathetic attitude and disinterest towards duties and military service in general;
  • Frequent traffic violations;
  • Being late to formations;
  • Failing to pass the record Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT);
  • An excessive number of sick calls without medical justification;
  • Showing no interest in promotion.

The newest edition of the document - sometimes incorrectly referred to as DD Form 4126 - was released on October 1, 2016 , by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA). An up-to-date DA Form 4126 fillable version is available for download and filing below or can be found through the Army Publishing Directorate website.


How to Fill Out DA Form 4126?

An overview of the bar to continued service form and filing guidelines can be found in Army Regulation 601-280, Army Retention Program. DA Form 4126 instructions are as follows:

  1. Section I contains the commander's recommendation. First, the commander (CDR) has to provide the name of the barred soldier, the name of the next higher CDR, and the name of initiating CDR (their own). The form then requires the full name of the soldier once again along with their rank, Date Eligible for Return From Overseas (DEROS), and Expiration - Term of Service (ETS), the date of bar initiation, and the total active federal service dates. The reasons for the bar (Item 10) must be proven with attached supporting documents.
  2. Section II ("Soldier's Review") is filled in by the barred service member. They must confirm that all presented allegations are truthful. If the soldier disagrees, they can submit a statement on their own behalf in accordance with Army Regulation 600-37. The soldier receives a copy of the form with a 7-day period to prepare their comments and collect papers to support their statements. An extension of the period can be granted if the initiating commander believes it to be necessary. If the Soldier showed no desire to make a statement, the bar will be processed immediately.
  3. Section III is filed by the next higher command. After they review the bar, they must provide their approval or disapproval in this section.
  4. Section IV is for the information on counseling by the initiating commander. This section confirms the approval or disapproval of the DA 4126 and whether the soldier will appeal the bar or not. This section requires the initiating commander's and the soldiers' full names, ranks, signatures, and dates of filing.

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