DA Form 3508 Application for Remission or Cancellation of Indebtedness

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DA Form 3508 Application for Remission or Cancellation of Indebtedness

What Is DA Form 3508?

DA Form 3508, Application for Remission or Cancellation of Indebtedness , is a form used for evaluating whether a service member's debt to the United States is eligible for remission and cancellation. A wide range of debts may be considered for remission and cancellation. A hardship or injustice may serve as the basis for filing the application for remission.

The U.S. Department of the Army (DA) released the latest version of the form - sometimes incorrectly referred to as DD Form 3508 - on June 1, 2016 . An up-to-date DA Form 3508 fillable version is available for download and filing below or can be found via the Army Publishing Directorate website.


How to Fill Out DA Form 3508?

The form is maintained as a part of the Personal Financial Report. An overview of the form and filing guidelines can be found in the Army Regulation 600-4, Remission or Cancellation of Indebtedness. DA Form 3508 instructions are as follows:

  1. Section I requires basic information about the applicant. This includes their name, rank, SSN, and e-mail address along with information about their service (expiration term of service, date of separation, basic branch), their current home or organization address, and the location where the debt was incurred.
  2. Applicants must specify their marital status and their spouse's personal information, list all family members and their personal information as well. The form must also include the initial amount and category of indebtedness and the basis for applying. The DA 3508 Form is valid under any chosen option.
  3. Section II requires specifying the amount of income the applicant has, and - if they are married - their spouse's income from any sources.
  4. Section III is for listing all expenses and their total amount.
  5. Section IV is for listing installment contracts and other debts. It requires the name and the address of the creditor, the purpose of debt, the current allotments, any unpaid balance, and the amount due monthly.
  6. Section V is reserved for additional data. This includes details on the date of bankruptcy, any received enlistment and reenlistment bonuses, information on saved cash, any savings or other bonds, expensive purchases and aby real estate or vehicles in possession.
  7. Section VI summarizes the money flow of the applicant.
  8. Any additional information may be entered in Section VII, reserved for remarks. DA Form 3508 also allows using an additional blank sheet for continuation if the space provided on the main form is not enough.
  9. Section VII, Verification, requires the signature of the applicant and spouse with a date of signing the form. This section must also contain the verification of an immediate commander along with their name, the date of signing, and signature.
  10. Section IX is used only by the Financial Assistance Office (FAO) or United States Property & Fiscal Office (USPFO).

Download DA Form 3508 Application for Remission or Cancellation of Indebtedness

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