This version of the form is not currently in use and is provided for reference only. Download this version of
DD Form 293
for the current year.
DD Form 293, Application for the Review of Discharge from the Armed Forces of the United States, is used to request an upgrade of a military discharge from the appropriate discharge review board. The form was last revised on August 1, 2015 , by the Department of Defense (DoD) . A fillable up-to-date version can be downloaded below.
The authority to change military records when it's necessary to correct an error or remove an injustice belongs to the secretary of a military department who acts through a board for correction of military records. The correction board holds the power of reviewing applications for correction of military records, including discharge reviews issued by the courts-martial.
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits can be affected if a veteran receives anything but an Honorable Discharge. Here's how to apply for an upgrade of military discharge status:
Keep in mind that in most cases, these requests are not approved. Hire an experienced attorney to boost your chances. If the Discharge is over 15 years old, you must apply for a Correction of Military Records. Be prepared for the long wait: it may take several months between sending the request and the board reviewing it and making a decision.
In case the veteran, survivor or any legal representative discovers an alleged error or injustice within their records, they have the right to file a change request within three years. It is necessary to provide sufficient evidence to the board of corrections, that proves that the alleged entry or omission in the records was in error or unjust and to justify any changes to the records.
Even in cases when the applicant clearly misses the three-year deadline, it's still strongly advised that they file for a review anyway. The corrections board may overlook the failure to file within the prescribed time if the applicant provides sufficient information to justify the reasons for missing the deadline. The applicant is under full responsibility to prove that he had a valid excuse to put off the filing past the appropriate deadline and explain why it would be in the interest of justice for the board to consider it despite the delay.
The applicant needs to go through the following steps to request a change in military discharge paperwork or a change of records:
If your discharge certificate is successfully changed, you will receive a new DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, from the Board.