This version of the form is not currently in use and is provided for reference only. Download this version of
DD Form 441
for the current year.
DD Form 441, Department of Defense Security Agreement , is an agreement signed between the United States Government and an independent contractor. The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) released this form - sometimes incorrectly referred to as the DA Form 441 - on January 1, 2017 . You can download the current DD Form 441 fillable version through the link below.
Alternate Name:
DD Form 441-1, Appendage to Department of Defense Security Agreement, is an attachment to the DoD security agreement. It contains a list of divisions and branch offices covered by the main security agreement and Standard Form 328, Certificate Pertaining to Foreign Interests. If your company is a division or branch of a company that has already obtained a facility security clearance (FCL), your company will be included under the umbrella of the Security Agreement signed by the Home Office company. In this case, your clearance will be documented on DD Form 441-1.
When a company needs to access the national security information required to enter into a contract or respond to a request, it has to obtain an FCL first. The FCL is granted if the federal government determines that providing your company with access to the information classified as "Confidential," "Secret," or "Top Secret" is in the interest of national security. You cannot apply for an FCL on your own account. It is required that the classified contract be granted to your company by a federal government agency or by any company that has already obtained its FCL.
DD Form 441 is executed at the time of the facility clearance approval and is considered a legally binding document between the United States Government and the contractor. By signing this document, you agree to establish a Security Program and comply with the security requirements described in the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM). Execution of the form allows your organization to work on the classified contract. It also allows the federal government to review the Security Program you have established in order to ensure it complies with the rules and regulations.
DD Form 441 instructions are as follows:
After your company is sponsored for an FCL, the Industrial Security Representative will be assigned by the DSS to help you to follow the NISPOM requirements. Find more information regarding the procedure in the Code of Federal Regulation: Title 48 - Federal Acquisition Regulations System.