DD Form 1907 Signature and Tally Record

DD Form 1907 Signature and Tally Record

What Is DD Form 1907?

DD Form 1907, Signature and Tally Record , is a form required for Constant Surveillance service (CIS), Driver Protective service (DDP), Protective Security Service (PSS), and other shipments. The document can also be used for high-value shipments or while transporting easily stolen items.

The latest version of the form - sometimes incorrectly referred to as the DA Form 1907 - was released by the Department of Defense (DoD) on October 1, 2010 . An up-to-date fillable DD 1907 Form is available for download and digital filing below or can be found on the Executive Services Directorate website.

For Next Generation Delivery Services (NGDS) shipments, transportation service providers (TSPs) should have a digitally filed and printed Signature/Tracing Service and Tally sheet. TSPs offering electronic signatures and tracing of shipments have no need to provide any hardcopy paperwork.

In some cases, the consignee has the right to request a paper copy record of the tracing history from the TSP within 24 hours of the request.


DD Form 1907 Instructions

  1. The shipper prints two copies, keeps one of them, and gives another one to the origin TSP.

  2. The DD 1907 Form containing the original signatures is kept with the cargo.

  3. The destination TSP maintains one of the copies, where all original signatures can be seen. A complete copy of the form is provided to the consignee.

  4. The consignee ensures that the destination TSP surrenders another copy of the completed and form with all needed signatures:

    • Everyone involved in handling the shipment signs the signature and tally record at certain transit stages from origin to destination.
    • All drivers must sign the form upon assuming initial responsibility for the shipment.

If there is more than one driver, all drivers should put their signatures assuming their initial responsibility for the shipment. Each person responsible for signing the DD 1907 must provide the correct numbers for the seal, truck, trailer, or container. In the cases when the original carrier is replaced by another unit, the driver annotates the number of the new unit below all personal signatures.

As the TSP material is received, technical officers (TOs) compare the DD Form 1907 or TSP furnished signatures and tally record with routing furnished in the REPSHIP with the further report of all discrepancies noted.

The driver or drivers are responsible for the contents and custody of shipments all over the route. While at secure holding areas, facility guards have no right of taking custody of the shipment or signing the 1907 DD Form. They can only maintain proper surveillance of the shipment and control the condition of the conveyance seals. Custody remains with either the last driver having his signature on the form or the actual recipient of the shipment.

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