DA Form 5226-R Child Development Services (Cds) Sponsor / Program Agreement

DA Form 5226-R Child Development Services (Cds) Sponsor / Program Agreement

What Is DA Form 5226-R?

DA Form 5226-R, Child Development Services (CDS) Sponsor/program Agreement (LRA) , is a form used to define the responsibilities of the CDS personnel and the parent or guardian of a child.

The latest version of the form - sometimes incorrectly referred to as DD Form 5226-R - was released by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA) on July 1, 1989 , with all previous editions being obsolete. An up-to-date DA Form 5226-R fillable version is available for digital filing and download below or can be found through the Army Publishing Directorate website

The CDS offers part-day, full-day, or hourly childcare and extended duty care for children of military personnel. Military working parents or full-time student parents can apply for CDS care for their children aged from 6 weeks to 5 years.


How to Fill Out DA Form 5226-R?

Procedural guidelines and additional information can be found in the AR 608-10, Child Development Services. DA Form 5226-R instructions are as follows:

  1. The DA 5226-R is completed to specify program policies, types of services to be provided, and parental desires concerning childcare as well as any fees and charges. CDS management personnel and FCC providers are allowed to add specific items to the form if they are necessary to meet the unique requirements of a certain program.
  2. The form should be completed annually and signed by the parent or guardian and the FCC providers or CDS management. The document is used by the FCC system, full-day, and part-day center-based programs, as well as by any regularly scheduled SPS programs.
  3. The first three fields of the form require the name of the sponsor, the name of the child care program, and the date the form is valid from.
  4. The next two blocks are for choosing the type of service and the child's age group.
  5. The parent or guardian has to fill in the names of the participating children, the name of the CDS program, and the location of the facility.
  6. The next block is for listing the program operation working hours and the services chosen for the child.
  7. The block below the previous one is intended for a description of any special needs of the child or special items they may require.
  8. The CDS personnel will specify the fees and charges for program services in the next block.
  9. The last part of the DA 5226-R is reserved for program policies. The form should be signed by the sponsor and FCC provider or CDS representative and dated to be valid.

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  • DA Form 5226-R Child Development Services (Cds) Sponsor / Program Agreement, Page 2

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