This version of the form is not currently in use and is provided for reference only. Download this version of
DD Form 369
for the current year.
DD Form 369 , Police Record Check, is a document used by the Department of Defense (DoD) for checking if the potential candidate wishing to enlist in the Armed Forces might have been previously involved with the police or other law enforcement agencies.
The DoD-issued form - often incorrectly referred to as DA Form 369 - was last revised on December 1, 2014 , with all previous editions being obsolete. An up-to-date fillable version of the DD 369 is available for digital filing or download below.
This form facilitates background record reviews that are used to determine if the candidate is eligible to be accepted into the United States Army. All information provided on the DD Form 369 is checked by recruiting officials and official military personnel SORNs. The DD 369 may also be used by recruiting agencies for the purpose of conducting local police file reviews.
DD Form 369 is used to obtain all criminal record information from law enforcement agencies about a prospective enlistee in the Armed Forces of the United States. This information is considered confidential and will only be disclosed for recruiting purposes.
The form includes general information including the name and sex of the individual whose police record is being checked along with the name, rank, and title of the person making the request. DD 369 Forms are for use with police only and are not to be used for court record checks.
DD Form 369 must include the name that the applicant provides during enlistment along with the name on their birth certificate and maiden name, and any other name the applicant is also known as. All known names must be listed on the form prior to it being completed by the servicing agencies. The other lines on the DD 369 are self-explanatory and include the date and place of birth, social security number, ethnicity, a privacy act statement, and a consent for release of information.
The record check must be signed by the applicant.
All copies of the DD Form 369 from civilian agencies must have fully completed Items 12 through 16 in Section III. Police checks are also possible through telephone calls. The person obtaining telephonic police records check will sign a written report on the DD Form 369 in Items 14 through 16 and identify the person they called in Item 13.
Forwarding the completed form to the FBI or any foreign agencies is prohibited.
Police records check from law enforcement agencies that charge a fee to disclose information that is not required. If a city or county does not have their own police force or is covered by another agency, Item 12 of the DD Form 369 must provide information explaining which agency has jurisdiction over that area.
Unless no new law violations occur, the DD Form 369 is valid indefinitely . The form is valid for six months when processing waiver applications. For waivers, DD Form 369 will be reprocessed if older than 180 days. New records checks must be obtained if an applicant alleges to new arrests or convictions.