Pre-shift Inspection Report Form - Boomlift / Scissor Lift

Pre-shift Inspection Report Form - Boomlift / Scissor Lift

The Pre-shift Inspection Report Form for Boomlift/Scissor Lift is used to document a pre-shift inspection of the equipment. This helps ensure that the boomlift or scissor lift is in safe working condition before it is used.

The operator of the boomlift or scissor lift is responsible for filing the pre-shift inspection report form.


Q: What is a pre-shift inspection report form?
A: A pre-shift inspection report form is a document used to inspect and assess the condition of a boomlift or scissor lift before it is used for a shift.

Q: Why is a pre-shift inspection report form important?
A: A pre-shift inspection report form is important because it helps ensure the safety of the operators and others working around the equipment by identifying any potential issues or malfunctions that could affect its safe operation.

Q: What does a pre-shift inspection report form typically include?
A: A pre-shift inspection report form typically includes sections to check the brakes, steering, lights, horn, tires, controls, and safety devices of the boomlift or scissor lift.

Q: Who should fill out the pre-shift inspection report form?
A: The operator of the boomlift or scissor lift should fill out the pre-shift inspection report form before each shift.

Q: What should be done if any issues or malfunctions are found during the inspection?
A: If any issues or malfunctions are found during the inspection, they should be reported to the appropriate supervisor or maintenance personnel and the equipment should not be used until the issues are resolved.

Q: Is it mandatory to use a pre-shift inspection report form for boomlifts and scissor lifts?
A: The use of a pre-shift inspection report form may be mandatory depending on local laws and regulations, as well as company policies. It is generally recommended to use one for safety purposes.


Download Pre-shift Inspection Report Form - Boomlift / Scissor Lift

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  • Pre-shift Inspection Report Form - Boomlift/Scissor Lift


  • Pre-shift Inspection Report Form - Boomlift/Scissor Lift, Page 2


  • Pre-shift Inspection Report Form - Boomlift / Scissor Lift, Page 1
  • Pre-shift Inspection Report Form - Boomlift / Scissor Lift, Page 2