Recommendation for Deaccession - Natural History Museum X

Recommendation for Deaccession - Natural History Museum X

The Recommendation for Deaccession at Natural History Museum X is a process to determine which items or specimens may be removed from the museum's collection. It helps ensure the collection remains relevant, well-maintained, and aligned with the museum's mission.

The recommendation for deaccession at Natural History Museum X is typically filed by the museum's governing body or a designated committee.


Q: What is deaccessioning?
A: Deaccessioning is the process of permanently removing an object from a museum's collection.

Q: Why would a museum deaccession an object?
A: A museum may deaccession an object if it no longer aligns with the museum's mission, if it is in poor condition, or if it duplicates objects already in the collection.

Q: What is the Natural History Museum X?
A: The Natural History Museum X is a specific museum, but the name has been redacted in this document.

Q: What is the recommendation for deaccession at the Natural History Museum X?
A: The specific deaccession recommendation for the Natural History Museum X is not mentioned in this document.


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  • Recommendation for Deaccession - Natural History Museum X, Page 2


  • Recommendation for Deaccession - Natural History Museum X, Page 3


  • Recommendation for Deaccession - Natural History Museum X, Page 1
  • Recommendation for Deaccession - Natural History Museum X, Page 2
  • Recommendation for Deaccession - Natural History Museum X, Page 3