Form 20C Writ of Seizure and Sale of Personal Property - Ontario, Canada

Form 20C Writ of Seizure and Sale of Personal Property - Ontario, Canada

Form 20C Writ of Seizure and Sale of Personal Property in Ontario, Canada is a legal document used to enforce and facilitate the collection of a debt owed by an individual or business. It allows for the seizure and sale of personal property belonging to the debtor in order to satisfy the outstanding debt.

The Form 20C Writ of Seizure and Sale of Personal Property in Ontario, Canada is typically filed by a sheriff or a bailiff.


Q: What is Form 20C?
A: Form 20C is a legal document used in Ontario, Canada for the writ of seizure and sale of personal property.

Q: When is Form 20C used?
A: Form 20C is used when someone is seeking to enforce a judgment and wants to seize and sell the personal property of the debtor.

Q: Who can use Form 20C?
A: Form 20C can be used by individuals, businesses, or their legal representatives who have obtained a judgment against a debtor.

Q: What does the Form 20C include?
A: Form 20C includes details about the judgment, the property to be seized, and instructions for the sheriff or other authorized person.

Q: What is the purpose of Form 20C?
A: The purpose of Form 20C is to provide a legal process for the seizure and sale of personal property to enforce a judgment.

Q: What should I do after filling out Form 20C?
A: After filling out Form 20C, it should be filed with the court office along with the required fee.


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