Form 13 Financial Statement (Support Claims) - Ontario, Canada

Form 13 Financial Statement (Support Claims) - Ontario, Canada

What Is Form 13?

Form 13, Financial Statement (Support Claims) , is a formal document Ontario residents fill out when making a claim or responding to a claim for spousal and/or child support. Additionally, you can provide this statement alongside a claim to change support. Serve this document on the other party and then submit it to the court with other claim documentation - motions and applications.

Alternate Name:

  • Ontario Form 13.

This form was released by the Ontario Court Services on January 1, 2015 , with all previous editions obsolete. You can download a fillable Form 13 Financial Statement via the link below.


How to Prepare Form 13?

Here is how you should complete Ontario Form 13:

  1. Select the appropriate name of the court and write down its address. Indicate the court file number.
  2. Name the applicants and respondents involved in the case, enter their addresses, and identify their lawyers. Enter your legal name and address.
  3. Provide information about your income. State whether you are employed or not and check the boxes to show what documentation you are attaching to prove your income - pay stubs, tax returns, etc. Specify the amount of your gross income last year. Record all the sources of income and the amount you receive each month - your wages, commissions, benefits, social assistance income, pension, spousal support, etc. Calculate the total monthly income and compute the total annual income. Indicate non-cash benefits provided to you by your employer or business - for instance, medical insurance and company perks.
  4. Outline your expenses - automatic deductions, housing, utilities, household expenses, childcare costs, transportation, health, personal, and other expenses. Write down the total amount of monthly and yearly expenses.
  5. List your assets, briefly describe them, and indicate their amount or value. You can include the real property, vehicles, valuable possessions, investments, bank accounts, savings, insurance, money owed to you, etc.
  6. If you have any outstanding debts, choose their type, name the creditor, record the amount you currently owe and the amount of money you pay every month.
  7. Show your net worth by subtracting debts from the assets.
  8. Sign the form in the presence of a commissioner for taking affidavits or notary public.
  9. If you have other sources of income, for example, rent, fund, or annuity, there are other earners in your household, or there are extraordinary expenses related to your children, provide the details in the appropriate schedule.

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  • Form 13 Financial Statement (Support Claims) - Ontario, Canada, Page 2
  • Form 13 Financial Statement (Support Claims) - Ontario, Canada, Page 3
  • Form 13 Financial Statement (Support Claims) - Ontario, Canada, Page 4
  • Form 13 Financial Statement (Support Claims) - Ontario, Canada, Page 5
  • Form 13 Financial Statement (Support Claims) - Ontario, Canada, Page 6
  • Form 13 Financial Statement (Support Claims) - Ontario, Canada, Page 7
  • Form 13 Financial Statement (Support Claims) - Ontario, Canada, Page 8

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