Form 33E Child's Consent to Secure Treatment - Ontario, Canada

Form 33E Child's Consent to Secure Treatment - Ontario, Canada

Form 33E, Child's Consent to Secure Treatment, is used in Ontario, Canada, to obtain consent from a child for secure treatment. This form is typically used when a child requires specialized mental health treatment in a secure facility, and their consent is required for the treatment to proceed.

The Form 33E Child's Consent to Secure Treatment in Ontario, Canada is typically filed by the parent or legal guardian of the child.


Q: What is Form 33E?
A: Form 33E is a document for a child's consent to secure treatment in Ontario, Canada.

Q: What is the purpose of Form 33E?
A: The purpose of Form 33E is to obtain a child's consent for secure treatment.

Q: Who needs to fill out Form 33E?
A: The child who is being considered for secure treatment needs to fill out Form 33E with the assistance of a designated representative.

Q: What information is required on Form 33E?
A: Form 33E requires the child's personal information, including their name, date of birth, and contact details.

Q: Are there any fees associated with Form 33E?
A: No, there are no fees associated with Form 33E.

Q: Is Form 33E specific to Ontario, Canada?
A: Yes, Form 33E is specific to the province of Ontario in Canada.

Q: Can a child refuse to sign Form 33E?
A: Yes, a child has the right to refuse to sign Form 33E.

Q: Who should I contact for further information about Form 33E?
A: For further information about Form 33E, you should contact the Ontario Court of Justice or the authorized agencies involved in the secure treatment process.


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