Vaccination. Your Health. Your Family. Your Choice.

Vaccination. Your Health. Your Family. Your Choice.

"Vaccination. Your Health. Your Family. Your Choice." is a slogan used to promote the importance of vaccination. It emphasizes that getting vaccinated is a personal decision that can benefit your health and protect your family from vaccine-preventable diseases.


Q: Why is vaccination important?
A: Vaccination is important because it helps protect you and your family from serious illnesses.

Q: How do vaccines work?
A: Vaccines work by stimulating your immune system to produce a response that helps protect against specific diseases.

Q: Are vaccines safe?
A: Yes, vaccines are generally safe and effective. They undergo rigorous testing before they are approved for use.

Q: What are the benefits of getting vaccinated?
A: The benefits of getting vaccinated include preventing serious illnesses, reducing the spread of diseases, and protecting vulnerable populations.

Q: Can vaccines cause autism?
A: No, scientific research has shown that there is no link between vaccines and autism.

Q: Do vaccines have side effects?
A: Vaccines can have mild side effects such as soreness or redness at the injection site, but serious side effects are rare.


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