DD Form 2807-2 Accessions Medical Prescreen Report

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DD Form 2807-2 Accessions Medical Prescreen Report

What Is a DD Form 2807-2?

DD Form 2807-2, Accessions Medical Prescreen Report, is a form that has to be completed by the person requiring medical processing within the DOD Instruction protocol. The pre-screening report is filled out by the recruiter and individual seeking to join the military and is part of a series of forms used for disclosing the medical information of the recruit.

The last valid edition of the form - sometimes confused with DA Form 2807, Military Working Dog Training and Utilization Record - was released by the Department of Defense (DoD) on March 1, 2015 . An up-to-date fillable version of the DD 2807-2 is available for digital filing and download below or can be found on the Executive Services Directorate website.

The applicant should complete this form along with the recruiter, guardian, or parent - if needed. DD Form 2807-2 provides a full health history of the individual. Positive responses to some questions do not automatically result in disqualification but do require a full explanation. The form must be submitted at least 1 day in advance, and 2 days in advance if any support documentation is required.

The recruit will need to retrieve all medical documentation about past conditions, like broken limbs, surgeries, etc. All documentation on any past or present treatments or consultation with a psychiatrist, psychologist, or therapist should also be attached to the report.


DD Form 2807-2 Instructions

  1. Fill in the personal information in Section I : the name, age, date of birth, social security number, height, current and maximum weight, any previous military experience, the purpose of examination, current position, and usual occupation. The applicant must also provide the date of filing the form.
  2. Section II contains questions about the medical history of the applicant . This section must be filled in completely. Each positive answer must be followed by a further explanation in Section III. All the additional information, such as the names of doctors, clinics, the dates, and details of medical treatment must also be provided on the form.
  3. If you answered YES to any of the questions in the previous section, provide a full explanation of the situation: provide dates, names of health care providers, clinics or hospitals, and their locations . List the procedures that were done to you and describe your current medical status.
  4. Attach extra sheets if necessary; sign and date each additional page . Obtain copies of applicable medical evaluation and treatment records to attach to the report.
  5. In Section IV, provide information on your current and previous healthcare providers and insurance carriers . Include their names, addresses, and phone numbers. Attach additional sheets, if necessary.
  6. Section V is reserved for the validation of the applicant and the recruiter.
  7. In Section VI the medical provider to summarizes information on the applicant's data given above.
  8. Section VII is the last on the DD 2807-2 and contains the final determination of the requestor's application.

DD 2807-2 Related Forms:

Download DD Form 2807-2 Accessions Medical Prescreen Report

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  • DD Form 2807-2 Accessions Medical Prescreen Report, Page 1
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