Pediatric Speech and Language Intake Form - Communication Clubhouse

Pediatric Speech and Language Intake Form - Communication Clubhouse

The Pediatric Speech and Language Intake Form - Communication Clubhouse is used to gather information about a child's speech and language skills in order to assess their communication needs and develop an appropriate treatment plan.


Q: What is the purpose of the Pediatric Speech and Language Intake Form?
A: The form is used to gather information about a child's speech and language skills.

Q: Who uses the Pediatric Speech and Language Intake Form?
A: Parents or caregivers of children who may need speech and language therapy.

Q: What information does the form gather?
A: The form gathers information about the child's medical history, communication skills, and developmental milestones.

Q: Why is the child's medical history important?
A: The child's medical history can provide useful information about any conditions that may impact their speech and language skills.

Q: What does the form ask about the child's communication skills?
A: The form asks about the child's ability to understand and use language, their speech clarity, and any difficulties they may have.

Q: What are developmental milestones?
A: Developmental milestones are skills or behaviors that are typical for a certain age range, such as saying first words or following simple instructions.

Q: What happens after the form is completed?
A: A speech and language therapist will review the form and use the information to assess the child's needs and determine if therapy is recommended.


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  • Pediatric Speech and Language Intake Form - Communication Clubhouse, Page 2
  • Pediatric Speech and Language Intake Form - Communication Clubhouse, Page 3
  • Pediatric Speech and Language Intake Form - Communication Clubhouse, Page 4
  • Pediatric Speech and Language Intake Form - Communication Clubhouse, Page 5