DA Form 67-9 Officer Evaluation Report

DA Form 67-9 Officer Evaluation Report

What Is DA Form 67-9?

DA Form 67-9, Officer Evaluation Report , is an essential form in the process of officer evaluation. This document contains all information about the rated officer's competence, physical and mental condition, leadership abilities, and potential for promotion. DA 67-9 is universal for any rank of the rated and the rater. This particular form has replaced the outdated DA Form 67-8, U.S. Army Officer Evaluation Report.

The latest version of the report was released by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA) on October 1, 2011 . An up-to-date non-fillable version of the DA 67-9 is available for download through the link below.

The form - sometimes referred to DA Form 67 for short - should not be confused with DD Form 67, Form Processing Action Request. The latter is used to request a revision or cancellation of any existing DD form or to add a new one to the DoD inventory.


DA Form 67-9 Instructions

Beginning April 1, 2014, the U.S. Army will change their officer evaluation reporting system to a new format to analyze and rate officer performances in a manner more in line with Army doctrine, switching from the DA 67-9 series to the DA 67-10 forms.

The report itself is prepared by the rating chain, which includes the rater and the senior rater. Sometimes an intermediate rater may take part in the evaluation process. The procedure includes supervision sessions, written descriptions of the soldier's duties, a performance assessment, and a face-to-face interview. The completed will be forwarded to the Department of Army Headquarters (HQDA).

A supporting form - DA Form 67-9-1 - is used during the preparation of the report. The rated officer has to fill it out with a description of their duties. DA Form 67-9-1 will not be forwarded to the HQ since it is used only as a medium for preparing the Officer Evaluation Report.

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Video Instructions for DA Form 67-9