Revocation of Power of Attorney - Affidavit Form - Ohio

Revocation of Power of Attorney - Affidavit Form - Ohio

The Revocation of Power of Attorney - Affidavit Form in Ohio is used to terminate or cancel a previously granted power of attorney. It allows someone to formally revoke the authority given to an agent or attorney-in-fact to act on their behalf.

In Ohio, the person who initially granted the power of attorney can file the revocation.


Q: What is a revocation of power of attorney?
A: It is a legal document that cancels the authority granted to someone to act on your behalf as your agent or attorney-in-fact.

Q: Why would I need to revoke a power of attorney?
A: You may need to revoke a power of attorney if circumstances change, such as if you no longer trust the person named as your agent or if you want to grant power of attorney to someone else.

Q: How do I revoke a power of attorney in Ohio?
A: You can use an Affidavit of Revocation of Power of Attorney form, which is a written statement asserting that you no longer want the person named as your agent to have the authority granted to them.

Q: Do I need to provide a reason for the revocation?
A: No, you do not need to provide a reason for revoking a power of attorney.

Q: Are there any specific requirements for revoking a power of attorney in Ohio?
A: Yes, you must sign the Affidavit of Revocation of Power of Attorney form in the presence of a notary public or two witnesses.

Q: What should I do after revoking a power of attorney?
A: It is important to notify the person you named as your agent and any relevant institutions or individuals who were aware of the power of attorney about its revocation.

Q: Can I still create a new power of attorney after revoking a previous one?
A: Yes, you can create a new power of attorney if you wish to grant someone else the authority to act on your behalf.


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