Code Chill Tracking Sheet - Munroe Regional Medical Center

Code Chill Tracking Sheet - Munroe Regional Medical Center


Q: What is the purpose of the Code Chill Tracking Sheet?
A: The Code Chill Tracking Sheet is used to track the status of patients at Munroe Regional Medical Center during a Code Chill emergency.

Q: What is a Code Chill emergency?
A: A Code Chill emergency is declared when there is a significant cooling problem in the hospital's climate control system.

Q: Why is it important to track the status of patients during a Code Chill emergency?
A: Tracking the status of patients ensures their safety and well-being during the emergency and enables medical staff to prioritize care and response.

Q: What information is included in the Code Chill Tracking Sheet?
A: The Code Chill Tracking Sheet includes the patient's name, room number, temperature, and any special instructions or considerations.

Q: Who is responsible for updating the Code Chill Tracking Sheet?
A: Medical staff, including nurses and doctors, are responsible for updating the Code Chill Tracking Sheet as needed.

Q: What actions should be taken based on information from the Code Chill Tracking Sheet?
A: The Code Chill Tracking Sheet helps medical staff determine which patients may need to be moved to a different area of the hospital, receive additional care, or have prioritized attention.


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  • Code Chill Tracking Sheet - Munroe Regional Medical Center

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