Form RI-060 Pistol Sales Record - Michigan

Form RI-060 Pistol Sales Record - Michigan

Form RI-060, Pistol Sales Record , is a state-issued document completed to record the transfer of a described firearm from a seller to a buyer. The document must be used both by Federally Licensed Firearms dealers and private individuals. The Michigan Pistol Sales Record was released by the Michigan State Police on October 1, 2021 . You can download the latest version of the form through the link below.

Alternate Name:

  • Michigan Firearm Bill of Sale.

The form itself consists of four parts. It includes three copies of the form along with general instructions. The instructions contain a list of conditions under which you are allowed to sell your pistol to a prospective buyer. The Firearm Bill of Sale also includes a list of fields mandatory for completion.

This form is a required document. Anyone who makes a false statement when completing it will be considered guilty of a felony.


Where to Send Michigan Pistol Sales Record

A firearm seller must complete Form RI-060 in three copies. One copy remains with the seller while the other two go to the buyer. The buyer is obliged to submit a registry copy to the county sheriff, or city, village or township police department at their place of residence. The document must be submitted within 10 days of the purchase of the described pistol. The agency that receives it has 10 days to enter the provided information into its database and 48 hours to forward the document to the Michigan State Police.

Michigan Pistol Laws

The Michigan pistol laws are rather severe. In order to carry a concealed pistol within the state, you have to obtain a Concealed Pistol License (CPL). A license for open carry is generally not required. However, in order to carry your pistol in a car, you need a license as well. The state has a "shall issue" concealed carry law. It means, that every citizen of the United States or a lawfully admitted foreigner must obtain a license to carry a gun. The individual has to meet the following criteria:

  1. Is at least 21 years old;
  2. Is not prohibited from owning a pistol;
  3. Has not been guilty of felonies and certain misdemeanors for the defined period of time (usually for 3 to 8 years);
  4. Complete state-approved training.

In order to buy a pistol in Michigan, the purchaser must be a state resident and have either a valid Michigan CPL or a License to Purchase a Pistol. The latter can be received at any police or sheriff's office within the state. The license is valid for 30 days. The seller is not allowed to transfer the pistol to anyone who has neither the Michigan CPL nor License to Purchase a Pistol. It is the seller's responsibility to complete all required copies of a Pistol Sales Record and the applicable part of the license.

There are several forms related to Form RI-060:

All of these documents are issued by the Michigan State Police and may be useful for current and prospective pistol owners.

Does a Firearm Bill of Sale Have to Be Notarized in Michigan?

Michigan does not require a notary public's certification for firearm sales but it is generally a good idea to have a notary or witness to a firearm sale in order to confirm the transaction has taken place. This can save any potential trouble which might occur should the seller or buyer contest the transaction at a later date.

Still looking for a particular form? Take a look at these related forms below:

Other Revisions

Download Form RI-060 Pistol Sales Record - Michigan

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