ATF Form 5320.23 National Firearms Act (Nfa) Responsible Person Questionnaire

ATF Form 5320.23 National Firearms Act (Nfa) Responsible Person Questionnaire

What Is ATF Form 5320.23?

ATF Form 5320.23, National Firearms Act (NFA) Responsible Person Questionnaire - also known as ATF E-Form 5320.23 - is a form used to provide the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) with information about a responsible person of a trust, company or any similar entity. A responsible person is a person that has the power to direct policies and the management of a company regarding firearms and explosives regulated by the National Firearms Act (NFA).

The form must be completed in two copies: one is submitted to the ATF and another is prepared for the local Chief Law Enforcement Officer (CLEO). If a CLEO has information that may disqualify the person seeking to obtain a firearm, they should contact the ATF upon receiving this form. Only the ATF copy requires a photograph and fingerprints of the responsible person.

The most recent version of the form was issued by the ATF on January 1, 2023 . A fillable ATF Form 5320.23 is available for download below.

ATF Form 5320.23 Instructions

Each person desiring to acquire an NFA firearm must file this form. NFA firearms include the following: short-barreled rifles and shotguns and weapons made of them, any weapon except revolvers with a rifled bore and pistols. Silencers, mufflers, and explosive devices are also covered by the NFA. Step-by-step instructions on completing the AFT responsible person questionnaire can be found below.


How to Fill out the NFA Responsible Person Questionnaire?

  1. Item 1. Check the applicable box, indicating which of the three forms this questionnaire will be submitted with;
  2. Item 2, Name and Address of the Applicant or the Transferee. Enter the name of the applicant entity as shown on the attached form (see Item 1);
  3. Item 3a-3d. Enter the responsible person's information;
  4. Item 3e, Photograph. Affix a 2'' x 2'' photo of the responsible person. The photo must be frontal view and taken within one year before completing the form. The photo must be affixed only on the ATF copy of the form;
  5. Item 4a, Type of Firearm. Enter the type of firearm the responsible person is going to acquire according to the definition section of the form;
  6. Item 4b, Name and Address of Maker, Manufacturer andor Importer of Firearm. Enter the name of the manufacturer, importer or maker of the firearm the person seeks to acquire;
  7. Item 4c-4e. Self-explanatory;
  8. Item 5, Law Enforcement Notification. Provide notification of the proposed acquisition of a firearm to your local chief law enforcement officer and enter the name of their agency or department, their name, and title and address, to which the notification copy of the form is mailed to;
  9. Item 6. Answer questions by checking the applicable boxes. Each positive answer should be further explained on a separate sheet;
  10. Item 7a. Check the applicable box, indicating your citizenship;
  11. Item 7b. Provide information, whether you have ever renounced your U.S. citizenship;
  12. Item 7c. Indicate, whether you are an alien illegally or unlawfully in the U.S;
  13. Item 7d.1. Indicate, whether you have been admitted to the U.S. under a non-immigrant visa;
  14. Item 7a.2. If you answered the previous question positively, indicate, whether you fall under any of the exceptions stated in the instructions section of the form. Attach supporting documentation to the form;
  15. Item 8. This item is applicable if you are an alien. Provide your U.S.-issued Alien or Admission number;
  16. Sign and date the form.

Other Revisions

Download ATF Form 5320.23 National Firearms Act (Nfa) Responsible Person Questionnaire

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