Form T4A Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income - Canada (English / French)

Form T4A Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income - Canada (English / French)

What Is Form T4A?

Form T4A, Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income , is used when filing your taxes to report additional income that does not come from wages earned from completing work. You as the taxpayer can request to have this document sent to you by mail or electronically. A T4A Form fillable version was released on January 1, 2020 , and is available for download below.

Alternate Names:

  • OSAP Tax Form;
  • T4A Tax Form.

This form will be sent to the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) by a person's place of work, bank, or financial establishment, or the person or entity in charge of managing their pension. You will also receive a copy of this form in the mail and will have the ability to include additional information on this form should any financial income be missing that you will need to report. You can also review past T4A Forms to check for accuracy by logging into your account with the CRA


How to Fill Out T4A Form?

To complete a T4A Form you will need to include the following information:

  1. The taxpayer's information, including name, account number, social insurance number, address, and the tax year. To the right of this information, you will input the amount you have received from a pension, money received as a single payment, fees you have charged for services you have conducted, and any income made from self-employment. You will also deduct any income tax you have already paid from this total.
  2. There is an additional section that will allow you to input the case-specific income you might have, including the number corresponding to the specific case. The second page of the OSAP Tax Form goes into greater detail about what boxes correspond to which financial categories. For example, money earned from lottery winnings will be listed in a separate area from benefits for Veterans or money contributed to a life insurance plan. You will want to use the second page of this document carefully to make sure you are listing the correct funding with the correct category.
  3. This document will also allow you to record changes made to the number of funds allocated regularly from your pension, costs incurred from having private health insurance, or money you have been contributing to a pension plan (but have not yet drawn from).
  4. If you have contributed payments for an adult child's education costs (or your own) you will also be able to list the tuition costs. Note, you are only able to include this amount if it exceeds the amount listed in scholarship exemptions and does not include expenses outside of tuition (such as books, housing, or additional living expenses).
  5. There are also several types of income that are exempt from being included in this form that pertains to people of indigenous heritage.

Other Revision

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  • Form T4A Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income - Canada (English/French)


  • Form T4A Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income - Canada (English/French), Page 2


  • Form T4A Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income - Canada (English / French), Page 1
  • Form T4A Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income - Canada (English / French), Page 2

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