DA Form 1059 Service School Academic Evaluation Report

DA Form 1059 Service School Academic Evaluation Report

What Is DA Form 1059?

DA Form 1059, Service School Academic Evaluation Report , is a form used for reporting the performance of students attending service schools. The term "service school" applies to all Department of Defense Schools, Allied Nation Schools, U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) and Army National Guard (ARNG) Schools, United States Army Specialized Schools, Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) Academies, and other facilities. The main purpose of the DA 1059 is to illustrate the accomplishments, abilities, and overall potential of the Soldiers attending Army Learning Facilities or participating in military training courses.

DA Form 1059 is often confused with DA Form 1059-1, Civilian Institution Academic Evaluation Report, and is sometimes incorrectly referred to as the DD Form 1059. The current version of the form was released by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA) on March 1, 2019 .

An up-to-date fillable DA Form 1059 is available for download and digital filing below or can be found on the Army Publishing Directorate website.


DA Form 1059 Instructions

Detailed guidelines and an overview of the form can be found in Army Regulation 623-3, Evaluation Reporting System. The organizations that determine the list of service schools and courses entitled to provide the Soldiers with the DA 1059 Forms include the Chief of Chaplains, the Judge Advocate General of the United States Army (TJAG), the U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School, and the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). Provided below is a list of the categories of students required to fill out the abovementioned form:

  1. Regular Army officers attending the U.S. Army War College.
  2. Commissioned officers of the Regular Army attending basic and advanced officer courses.
  3. Officers who enrolled in the U.S. Army War College Correspondence Studies Course upon graduation.
  4. Students attending the Army Medical Department Academy of Health Sciences courses.
  5. Students attending Regular Army warrant officer basic courses, Regular Army warrant officer advanced courses, or any branch transition course.

The DA 1059 Form consists of fifteen sections and is completed by the student and the school/course representative. The form requires the student's personal information, the name of the school and the completed course, a performance summary, and an evaluation of the abilities demonstrated throughout the rating period. The course representative must decide if the academic potential of the student makes them eligible for higher-level Army schooling or training.

The completed form is sent to the Department of the Army Headquarters (HQDA) through the local Military Processing Operations (MILPO) and is added to the Soldier's Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). A copy of the form is submitted to the Army Evaluation Reporting System. If the Soldier has obtained a degree on an after-duty basis, they may request an evaluation by submitting a request through the Installation Education Services Officer.

Who Signs a DA Form 1059?

The Army DA Form 1059 requires three signatures in total in order to be valid. All signatures should be digitally entered into Item 15 at the bottom of the first page of the form. The first person to sign the document is the rater in charge of the evaluation. The form is then signed by the reviewing officer and the rated Soldier.

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