DA Form 67-10-3 Strategic Grade Plate (O6) Officer Evaluation Report

DA Form 67-10-3 Strategic Grade Plate (O6) Officer Evaluation Report

DA Form 67-10-3, Strategic Grade Plate (O6) Officer Evaluation Report , is used to provide the U.S. Department of the Army Headquarters (HQDA) with useful and valuable information about the competence, mental and physical condition, and potential for promotion of an officer. The DA 67-10-3 is used when evaluating colonels.

The form is issued by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA) and was revised on March 1, 2019 . An up-to-date fillable DA Form 67-10-3 is available for download below. The form - sometimes referred to as "DA Form 67" for short - should not be confused with DD Form 67, Form Processing Action Request which is used to request a revision or cancellation of an existing form in the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) inventory or to add a new one to the Army database.

What Is DA Form 67-10-3?

The United States Army introduced a new officer evaluation system on April 1, 2014. The new DA Form 67-10 Series presents a new format of evaluation to analyze and rate officer performances more precisely and in line with Army doctrine. DA Form 67-10-3 and other reports in the series replaced DA Form 67-9, Officer Evaluation Report, which was universal for all officers despite their rank.

The report is prepared by the rating chain, which consists of a rater and a senior rater. An intermediate rater may also take part in the evaluation. The process of officer evaluation includes supervision, performance evaluation, writing a self-assessment, and a face-to-face interview with the raters. DA 67-10-3 is forwarded to the HQDA upon completion.


DA Form 67-10-3 Instructions

  1. Part I ("Administrative Data") is used to identify the rated officer and provide unit data and information on the number of rated months, the period covered, the reason for submitting the report, and non-rated time codes.
  2. Part II ("Authentication") is for the rated officer and rating officials to sign after the SGP-OER has been completed at the end of the rating period.
  3. Part III ("Duty Description") provides an overview of the rated officer's tasks and responsibilities and is filed by the rating officials.
  4. Part IV evaluates the professionalism, competencies, and skills of the officer as well as their adherence to attributes and core leader competencies.
  5. Part V is only filed by an intermediate rater if they are participating in the rating process.
  6. Part VI is the senior rater's assessment of the potential of the officer. This part is intended to capitalize on the senior rater's experience and valuable organizational perspective.

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