DD Form 4 Enlistment / Reenlistment Document Armed Forces of the United States

DD Form 4 Enlistment / Reenlistment Document Armed Forces of the United States

What Is DD Form 4?

DD Form 4, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document is a form used to record enlistment or reenlistment into the U.S. Armed Forces. The latest edition of the form was released on May 1, 2020 - all previous editions of this form are obsolete. The document is issued by the Department of Defense (DoD) and is an official collective name for forms DD 4/1, DD 4/2 and DD 4/3. None of the three forms may be distributed separately.

If you want to become part of the U.S. Army, this form is an essential part of the enlistment process. The DD 4 is also utilized in cases of a break in service and reenlistment. We strongly recommend reviewing the enlistment contract first before meeting any recruiter.

The complete and fillable version of the form - often incorrectly referred to as the DA Form 4 - is available for download below.


DD Form 4 Instructions

  1. Start with DD 4/1 after downloading. Read all the agreements and statements of existing laws. Fill in your full name, social security number, and date of birth. In the 'Home of Record' field fill in the address of your permanent home. Provide your place of enlistment.

  2. State your Selective Service number if you are registered with the Selective Service System; enter 'Not Registered' in all other cases.

  3. If you have any previous military service, list the exact amount of years, months and dates spent in active and inactive service. If you have no previous experience write 00 in all Boxes.

  4. Fill in Section B. Fill in Line 8a if you are enlisting in a Delayed Enlistment program. Line 8b is for any additional remarks and Line 8c is reserved for your signature.

  5. Scroll down to DD 4/2. Fill in your name and SSN again in the appropriate boxes. Read and sign Section D. Skip Line 14 - that Box is reserved for the service representative accepting your application.

  6. Fill Section E according to your enlistment. Complete Line 15 if you are joining any of the Army branches except the National Guard. For National Guard recruits: skip Line 15 and complete Lines 16 and 17.

  7. Sign and date the form in Line 18 and leave Line 19 empty.

  8. Section F of DD 4/3 in only for those individuals who are discharged from a Delayed Enlistment Program (DEP) for the purpose of immediate enlistment in a Regular Component of the Armed Forces. If this is not your case, skip the section completely. Same goes with Section G - leave it blank for your service representative's signature.

  9. Finally, confirm your enlistment in Section H. Skip Line 23 and sign the form at the bottom of the page.

How to Get a Copy of DD Form 4?

You can download the latest copy of the form on the official website for the Executive Services Directorate or through the download link up above.

How to Submit Annex K to DD Form 4?

There are two possible annexes to Form DD4: Form NGB 5435, Annex K to DD Form 4 Montgomery GI Bill Kicker Incentive Addendum and Form NGB 5435-1, Annex K to DD Form 4 (Supplemental) MGIB Kicker Incentive Addendum ARNG. Both must be filled, signed by the service representative, copied and attached to the enlistment document, extension document, or OSA as applicable.

Does a Signing Bonus Need to Be in the DD Form 4?

The latest edition of the form does not list signing bonuses anymore. All bonuses and incentives are listed in the DA Form 3286 and DD Form 1966.

Other Revision

Download DD Form 4 Enlistment / Reenlistment Document Armed Forces of the United States

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  • DD Form 4 Enlistment/Reenlistment Document Armed Forces of the United States


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