ATF Form 6 (5330.3B) Part II Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles

ATF Form 6 (5330.3B) Part II Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles

What Is ATF Form 6 Part 2?

ATF Form 6 - Part 2, Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles - or the ATF Form 5330.3B - is a document filled out by military members in order to request a permanent import of firearms, ammunition, and implements of war. The latest edition of the document was issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) on November 1, 2022 . Download a fillable ATF Form 6 (Part 2) through the link below.

The form is part of a four-piece series of ATF forms along with ATF Form 6 - Part 1 (ATF Form 5330.3A), ATF Form 6A (ATF Form 5330.3C) and ​ATF Form 6NIA (ATF Form 5330.3D).

When to Fill out ATF Form 6 Part 2?

Members of the U.S. Armed Forces are required to fill out the ATF Form 6 Part 2 to request a permit to import ammunition, firearms, or defense articles into the U.S. You can fill out this type of application if:

  • You are a military member who is or has been on active duty outside the United States within 60 days before intended importation;
  • The firearms or ammunition you want to import should be generally recognized as fit for sporting purposes, except for surplus military firearms;
  • The items you import are for your personal use;
  • You undertake that the importation will not cause a violation of the Gun Control Act, state law, or local ordinance at the place of your residence.

How to Fill out ATF Form 6 Part 2?

Fill out the document in three copies. All entries must be typewritten or legibly printed in ink. The form contains the general completion and submission instructions. Read them carefully and detach before filing the application.

Fill out the ATF Form 6 Part 2 as follows:

  1. Item 1. Return Approved Permit to. If you designate any other person to handle the shipment or release of the enlisted articles, provide the name and address of the person in this item;
  2. Item 2. Applicant's Name and Address. Provide your name, address (including ZIP-code), phone number, and e-mail address;
  3. Item 3. Name and Address of Seller. Enter the name and address of the foreign seller you have bought the items to be imported from;
  4. Item 4. Name and Address of Shipper. If the same as in Item 3, you may indicate the phrase "See Item 3".
  5. Item 5. Present or Last Foreign Duty Station. Specify the foreign duty station you are at now, or the last foreign duty station you were at;
  6. Item 6. Country of Exportation. Self-explanatory;
  7. Item 7. Description of Firearms. Use this table to list and describe the articles you want to import. The description you provide should demonstrate that firearms or ammunition you want to import are generally recognized as suitable for sporting purposes and meet all the importation criteria. It is required to furnish all applicable information in this part, otherwise, your application will be denied;
  8. Item 8. Specific Purpose of Importation. Enter the reason you want to import the enlisted firearms or ammunition;
  9. Item 9. Self-explanatory;
  10. Item 10. Place of Residence in the United States. Provide your U.S address;
  11. Items 11 and 12. Date of Assignment to Duty Station within the United States and Branch of Service. Provide the required service-related information;
  12. Item 13. Date of Birth. Self-explanatory;
  13. Items 14 - 17. Print your name, rank, and completion date in these items.

Submit the form to the address provided in the instructions no later than 60 days before the intended importation. The approved permit will be returned to you, or to the person you have indicated in Item 1.

How to Update Information on ATF Form 6 Part 2?

The importing on ATF Form 6 Part 2 is allowed for 12 months from the approval date. The permit is not transferable and valid only for items enlisted on the form. Once the permit is approved, no alterations or amendments can be made, except by the Director of the ATF.

Other Revisions

Download ATF Form 6 (5330.3B) Part II Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles

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  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3B) Part II Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles


  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3B) Part II Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles, Page 2


  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3B) Part II Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles, Page 3


  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3B) Part II Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles, Page 4


  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3B) Part II Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles, Page 1
  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3B) Part II Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles, Page 2
  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3B) Part II Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles, Page 3
  • ATF Form 6 (5330.3B) Part II Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles, Page 4

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